Find the Queen

The time Wang Yi-An got home, it was already pass 9:30 p.m. Mother Wang was not yet home. The first thing Wang Yi-An did was went up into the room with ‘Yi-Xiu’ name on it.

She curled up again on the bed that no-one had slept on for three years. Hugging the pillow, the tears started to roll out from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes was swollen red as she cried thinking about him.

“Yi-Xiu…” She wanted to call out to him over and over again, hoping that he’ll return home safely. With many things to tell him, she longed to hear his voice. She got off the bed and sat on the floor, beneath the bed there was two drawers and she pulled the closet one to her out and grabbed on to a photo album that was place inside.

The title on the photo album was, ‘Our Birthday!’ made with stickers and art crafts from when she was young. She remembered how she would glue each letter on, as Yi-Xiu would cut out each letter.