Was everything you said to me a lie?

Looking at that pained expression on Yang Tian-Xu’s face… was priceless. Rare, even. And Liu Shun-Feng couldn’t understand why… Staring at him, their position was a lot similar to a drama scene. A picture perfect scene where the main-girl, pushed against the wall by the main-guy, and all the girl could do was stare into the main-guy’s eyes.

But reality was a lot more confusing, and much more complicated. At the exact moment when Wang Yi-An had stepped foot downstairs. She saw that ‘picture perfect’ scene. She stood still as she saw how Liu Shun-Feng was leaning against the wall, with President Yang’s hands pressed against the wall. Hovering over on top and Liu Shun-Feng, and with Liu Shun-Feng backed against the wall like the girl in a drama show.

Before she had heard Liu Shun-Feng’s loud voice, spurting nonsense from upstairs in her room, but she never would have guessed that President Yang was there as well.