Never to see you hurt.

The loud noises from outside the practice room had Wang Yi-An, and Yang Tian-Xu curious, they thought they had heard Ma Xiao-Er’s voice. Wang Yi-An was positive she had heard Ma Xiao-Er’s loud screaming, and she jumped out of the bench and said, “I think I heard Xiao-Er’s voice!”

Yang Tian-Xu wanted to hear her answer to his question, “Do you love him?” Him as in Liu Shun-Feng, but it was clear that Wang Yi-An rather avoids his question. Her reaction was just too obvious. He smiled, because that’s just how much he loves her, her obvious side as well.

He wanted to let her know that she doesn’t have to answer him. Because he doesn’t need to know. As long as she’s happy, he can live with that, but the banging and shouting from outside the door just keep interrupting him.

The Practice room’s door was hard, so when Liu Shun-Feng slammed his fist on the door, there wasn’t much impact. The door vibrated for a second or two until there was some high pitch screaming from outside.