A jealous heart

Originally, Wang Yi-An didn’t want to go to his concert. But when he grabbed her hand, he looked serious. She thought that he must really want her to come watch him sing. Maybe he wanted a friend’s support?

“I was planning on selling my tickets! If you already have tickets, then I can definitely sell my tickets!”

Listening to her talking on the phone about selling her tickets, Liu Shun-Feng was pissed. He couldn’t be any angrier than he already was at the time. He shouted at her, “For crying out loud! These tickets have better seats!”

Ma Xiao-Er could hear his voice on the phone, and she pondered about their relationship. Her heart beat was racing. Because their voices sounds like they were very close. Wang Yi-An and Liu Shun-Feng were on a first name basis, and somehow it hurts her a little inside.