

Death is the one and only factor which is guaranteed for every living being in existence no matter how they try to prevent it.

Whether one was born rich or poor, kind or evil, beautiful or ugly, successful or a failure, death comes for them all.

It is inescapable and inevitable that every being that once took their first breath will eventually take their last, every heart will eventually stop beating, and every soul will eventually depart from their home realm to that of the dead.

The force has been depicted as many things over the years; a skeleton in black robes, a man operating a small boat, a figure dressed in all white, crows, black cats and dogs, and even moths have been symbols of it.

However, death was a woman dressed in all black with red eyes that judged your soul as she wielded a large silver scythe in the right hand to reap the souls sown by the givers of life.

~~~ Fin. Prologue~~~