
Chapter 26

"I'm in love with Melanin," Lexie repeated, she wore a neurotic facial expression as her eyes reflected an apologetic gleam.

I was shocked. "Are you sure you are Lexie? Is this what you honestly feel?"

"Yes," Lexie said. "And I figured out that I'm bisexual. I wish I could be happy that I found someone to love, but she's still not emotionally ready to start a relationship. She's still broken from everything. I don't know how to heal her, she never tells me how much she's hurting inside."

I sigh and rest my chin on top of her head. "Melanin is one of those people that swear they're fine, tells part of their painful truth, and hides the rest to protect herself from being open and vulnerable. She isn't hiding it because she doesn't trust us, no, she's hiding it to prevent another bad memory."