
Chapter 36

"This is my favorite painting I made." Lauren held up a painting to show me. "I made this during a mental breakdown one day, and I cried throughout painting this but magically created a good masterpiece."

"Nice. I can really see your emotions on this." I nod, admiring the painting with full interest.

"You should try it. Crying and painting really ends with a wonderful nap, which helps you have good dreams."

"I rather stick with crying and listening to music."

"Ugh, so basic." Lauren puts down the painting to pick up another one. She points to it with a smile. "Two words. Raw. Talent."

"I have two words of my own. Erotic. Masterpiece."

"The female anatomy really inspires me to paint stuff like this." Lauren said, feeling proud of herself.

"It suspiciously looks like my body." I stare at the painting. It did look like my body, except there was added fat around the hips.

"It does?" Lauren turns the painting to look at it and looks up at me. "I guess it does."