
Chapter 46

The cold air bit at my exposed face as I walked to my car.

It's finally Winter break-I can finally relax to enjoy my time off from school.

My mentality is getting better, along with my physical build.

I've been going to fighting classes for the adrenaline rush and distraction.

My sleep schedule is better, my concentration is also better-along with my relationship with Lauren.

We're going strong and neither of us bothered to touch each other-that bet we made months ago has been forgotten.

But we both unconsciously stay clear of the action that occurs after kissing.

We just decided to not do it yet, school has us underneath our skin, and finding out that we only have less than half a year left until we both go our separate ways is pressuring us to make memories.

"Yay, warm air." I slouched in my car seat, relaxing for a moment to let my body warm up a little before driving.