"Navi you are late. Again!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth at which he just gave me his usual annoying toothy grin.

"No—I am not. As usual you're the one who's early." He retorted cheekily; spinning the keys through his fingers. I could only scoff at him with disdain.

"Yeah right! Now get in quickly will you? I swear Navi if I get late—"

"Have I ever got you in trouble before?" He cut me off in the middle of getting into his BMW. I glared at him through narrowed slits; while putting on my seatbelt.

"ALWAYS!" I cried out exasperated but he just shook his head with a chuckle.

"Prepared? Nervous?" He asked with one hand on the steering wheel while whirring through the traffic.

"Yes. No." I retorted without looking up.

"Good. I am sure you'll ace it like always." He murmured softly and went back to driving.