The wedding invitation cards had been sent out, the wedding was in a week thanks to his effective mother. He sat in his office looking at the luxurious copy on his desk.

His mother had changed ever since her meeting with Aurora and he was wondering what really happened back then. He even asked Aurora and she told him what had happened and yet nothing seemed fishy. Aurora wasn't embarrassed to tell him just how older he was and the fact that she hates and likes him. Her honesty was one of the qualities he liked about her. Most of the women did all their best to flatter her and yet she was the opposite.

'Sir, your mother is here,' Victor said on the phone.

'Send her in,' he said.

His mother rarely visited the office. Since she was here then it might be something important.

He stood up and met his mother as she entered the office. He kissed her on both cheeks and helped her to sit on the couch.

'I wasn't expecting to see you here. Is everything okay?' he asked.

'Everything is fine. I just wanted to see you.'

'You aren't diagnosed with some strange disease are you?'

'I'm fit and strong dear. I'm just happy that you are getting married,' she told him tears filling her eyes.

'Mother, please don't do this.'

'I'm sorry; it's just that I never thought I get to see this. I'm just happy and wanted to say thank you.'

'Mother please, I'm just doing my duty, there is no need for you to cry,' he said giving her his handkerchief.

His mother wiped away her tears and looked at him with those eyes that spoke so much.

'I need you to promise me one thing,' she said suddenly.

'Whatever you want I will do it. Just name it,' he said holding her hands now.

'Promise me that whatever happens, you will never leave her,' she said and he wondered who she was talking about now.

'Who are you talking about mother? I'm confused.'

'Aurora, don't leave her. I won't be able to accept it.'

'You really like her that much?'

'I do and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her. Since you decided to marry her then keep your promise.'

'I will not leave her no matter what,' he promised.

'I will leave now. I need to look for a wedding gown now. Aurora knows nothing and left me in charge,' she said while standing up.

'She told me about that. I won't keep you here then. I will see you tomorrow for dinner,' he said and kissed her.

'Sure, take care.'

Lucian escorted his mother to the elevator and watched her disappear.

When he returned back to the office he was full of questions. His mother probably knew something about Aurora and she wasn't saying it. What would that be to make his mother make him promise like that? It's been years since he saw her shedding tears like that. There was more to the story than what his mother was letting on.


Joan Ladra walked into the cemetery holding the bouquet of aster flowers. Her younger sister loved them so much and she wanted to see her before doing what she was about to do.

She placed the bouquet on her grave and traced her fingers on the tombstone. Her sister had been dead for about five years now and now her secret was showing up.

On her death bed June confessed to her that nearly two decades ago she had another baby. When Joan heard this she couldn't believe it since she had never seen her little sister being pregnant again. June told her that she had an affair and her husband didn't know about it. She didn't want to abort the pregnancy so she made some excuses and went abroad until she gave birth to a baby girl. She couldn't keep the baby so she sent her to an orphanage so that she could be sent to a loving family. She sent the baby with just a hairpin, the hairpins that the two of them shared.

When she heard about Aurora from Jewel she didn't think much about it until the day she saw her for herself. Aurora had a stricken resemblance to June; Jun did a lot of surgeries which altered her real appearance but she was after all her sister and she could recognize her any time. Aurora was just like June which made her think about what June told her back then.

She did an investigation herself and found some shocking news. Aurora was her niece and she was getting married to her son. She wanted to keep her by her side and at the same time she didn't want to destroy the joy her son had found. She wasn't a fool, she could tell when her son was in love and she wasn't going to cause harm to her son.

'I found her June, she is beautiful. You would have been proud of her,' she said, 'I will look after her and protect her on your behalf.'

Joan left the cemetery and returned back home. Upon reaching home she went to the safe room where valuable items were kept. She found June's wedding dress where she left it. She was going to make Aurora wear her mother's dress. That was the only thing she could do as her aunt.

She took the dress out and called her seamstress.

'I need you to do some touch ups on this dress,' she told her.

'It's for the wedding this weekend?'

'Yes, the sizes are exactly like Jewel. You can use those,' Joan said.

'Okay, I will alter it and bring it back before the wedding.'

'Okay, go and sort it now. I don't want any problems.'

'There won't be any Joan.'

The seamstress left and Joan took a deep breath. There were still a couple of things she had to do. Since Aurora's mothers were no longer in the world then she was going to do her part and make sure she wed in a grand manner.


Aurora was sitting in the café she used to work at having a cup of hot chocolate when an unexpected guest landed at her table. The woman looked familiar, it was Jewel's mother and she wondered why this woman was there.

'You must be Aurora,' she said as she sat down.

'You must be Lucy,' Aurora said in return.

'So you know me?'

'Of course, you left such a deep impression on me and gave me a daughter at such a young age,' she said sipping her hot chocolate.

'I have heard you are sweet and all but you just look like a rude teenager who is trying to take on something she shouldn't,' Lucy sounded fierce and Aurora smiled.

'I never thought you are such a shallow woman. You should move on and let me give you an advice, I don't respond well to threats. Unless I like you, I will retaliate so mind your words,' she warned.

'Who do you think you are?'

'Me, I'm Aurora. The girl who will be marrying the man you divorced ages ago. If you thought he was still pinning on you then you were mistaken. Apparently he is now sniffing under my skirt. Don't let it hurt you,' she told Lucy while looking at her.

'You are shameless. Is it money that you want?'

'Of course, who wouldn't want it? I'm going to drain every single penny form your ex husband, make him fall so deep he will jump if I tell him to. Don't worry about your daughter though, I will surely give her all the love and care you couldn't give her when you had the chance,' Aurora said and stood up.

Lucy got so frustrated that she stood up in a hurry, picked Aurora's cup and threw it in her face.

Why should she waste her hot chocolate on her face?

Aurora took a towel and wiped her face, lucky for her she didn't wear any make up. She looked at Lucy and smiled at her.

'Why are you smiling?' she asked full of fury.

'If I don't smile your head will be rolling down your neck now. This smile is to tell you that I have forgiven you but if you try to do something like this again then you will regret ever stalking me to this place in the beginning,' Aurora threatened Lucy and excused herself from the table.

'Aurora, are you okay?' her former manager asked her.

'I'm fine. I guess I will just go back home and change. It was nice seeing you again,' she said.

'I hope you will take care of yourself and be careful.'

'Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I will make sure of that,' Aurora said and went outside.

She hailed a taxi since she still didn't have a car. Lucian told her to take a car but she just didn't want it. She wanted him to buy her a car of her own. She gave the driver the address and sat comfortably in the back seat. She looked behind and saw the furious Lucy as she gets into her car. There was nothing she could do to her, she was Jewel's mother after all and didn't want to hurt Jewel in any way.

When she arrived back at the mansion she saw the glare from the staff and knew that they were probably talking about it.

'What happened to you?' the chief maid Faith asked as she took the stairs.

'I accidentally spilled coffee on my clothes,' she lied.

'That was a bad spill,' Faith said sounding suspicious.

She would be a fool if she believed it.

'I will go and change now,' Aurora said avoiding questions from Faith.

When she arrived she entered the en suite bathroom and undressed herself. She sank into the tub and just relaxed as the water does its magic. Thirty minutes later she emerged from the tub and put on her robe and went outside. She entered the closet and began to look for something to wear when she felt that she wasn't alone anymore. She turned her head and saw Lucian looking very furious standing there.

'You should make a sound and not just stand quietly behind someone like that again!' she yelled at him.

'What the hell happened to you?' he asked as he entered.

'I was taking a bath,' she said now back to the clothes.

'You know what I'm talking about. I heard you came back filled with coffee all over you. Did you fight with anyone?'

'Is that why you came back at this time of the day instead of being seated in your office? Oh old man, are you worried about me now?' she asked stopping what she was doing and began to walk towards the man who made her blood hot.

'Just tell me,' he said sounding anxious as she approached. Aurora placed her hands on his chest and began to move them slowly there. She just loves feeling him all the time.

'I saw your ex wife. Apparently she stalked me to a café where I was enjoying y hot chocolate. She talked a lot of shit in front of people and I returned the favor. So she got angry and threw the hot chocolate on my face,' Aurora said linking her arms around his neck.

'You didn't get hurt or burnt?'

'Something that small wouldn't cause any damage to me. I just got dirty that's all. So what do you think happened?'

'She should just mind her own business,' he murmured.

'Trust me she will because next time she tries another trick like that. She will be losing that pretty face of hers,' she told him and he could see that she meant it.

'You are one very dangerous little girl,' he said and kissed her on the side of her neck.

'Don't you like girls like me old man?'

'It's only you and not the rest,' he said his hand untying her robe.

'Oh I see. Are you not going back to the office?' she asked as she loosened his tie.

'With you dressed like this and your eyes begging for it, why should I leave you here?'

She smiled and helped him to remove his suit jacket.

'Since you have seen right through me, I might as well keep you here,' she said opening his shirt buttons.

Lucian suddenly lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom where he removed completely her robe leaving her completely naked and ready for his taking. He looked at her and she didn't shy away.

'It's just a few days left before you officially become my wife. Are you excited?'

'How can I not be? You gave me a husband, a family and a daughter on a silver platter,' she said her hands reaching up to him.

'So what will you do to show your gratitude?'

'I will serve you for the rest of your life,' she answered and began to work on his flyer.

'My little girl is impatient, I can see.'

'You made me to be like this. You should take the responsibility,' she said and freed him.

Lucian couldn't believe the nymph he just couldn't seem to forget all the time. Rora brought something out of him. He missed her, he wanted her and he just didn't want anyone messing up with her unless it was him. He closed his eyes as his little nymph took his shaft in her small and warm hands. He loved her hands, her mouth and tongue on him. She began to touch him from the tip to the base. He groaned as she repeated the same movement and in a few seconds he felt her tongue on him and he opened his eyes.

Aurora knew how to orally satisfy him. She sucked him and licked him like her favorite lollipop. She was good at this that it made him angry sometimes thinking of the men she did this to. Just thinking about it made him to stop her and she looked at him with those questioning eyes.

He didn't answer her with words but made her lie on her back on the bed. He separated her thighs apart exposing that well shaven mound. He used his ginger to spread her wide and exposed her wet entrance. He could see it glistening, wanting to torture her he inserted his finger which slid in and she moaned. He used his fingers to entertain her while his mouth seeks hers. The way she wriggled while she lay beneath him gave him so much satisfaction but that was going to wait because he needed her to bad and so did she.

He pulled his fingers out of her and slid them into her mouth. She sucked hard on his fingers which made him penetrate into her with just one hard thrust. She bucked upwards, their pelvises touching before she returned back on the bed.

He looked into her eyes one more time and he kissed her nose.

'Please, move!' she cried out and he obliged.

He loved it whenever she begged. This little girl was someone who rarely cared but when it comes to this moment she always submitted to him.

He moved, his thrusts increasing with time, her nails digging into his back as he gave it to her. Aurora was blessed with short fuses; it didn't take long for her to reach an orgasm. He thrust harder and faster as he felt himself close and Aurora climaxed again and again before he flooded himself into her again.

He kissed her sweet lips once more and prayed for her to get pregnant as fast as she could. That would hold her down and make her docile.

He pulled out of her and fixed himself. Aurora just sat up on the bed and looked at him.

'What is it?' he asked as he buttoned his shirt.

'Nothing, you look handsome.'

'Are you noticing that now?'

'I guess I am. Are you coming back soon?'

'No, I won't be coming any time soon. When Jewel comes, a driver will send you to my parents' house. We will be having dinner there,' he said.

'Okay, I will keep that in mind.'

'Sure, get dressed, wouldn't want you to fall sick.'

'You are really worried about me?'

'If I don't then I would be an asshole.'

'You are already one,' Aurora said standing up.

She looked magnificent that he just wanted to take her back to bed but he still has an appointment.

He kissed her once again before taking his suit jacket and leaves the room. He took the elevator down and drove his car back to the office.

Lucian was in his office when he received a call from his ex wife. She sounded very hysterical and angry. It was difficult to find someone capable of making Lucy angry. She told him a lot about Aurora and he smiled. Aurora was still a fighter, he liked that. She will be able to fend herself from all his exes. No one would rub herself against her in the future.

But when Faith called and told him the status of Aurora he got mad. Why would anyone do that? What if her face gets ruined? Their wedding was just a few days to go and he needed that pretty small face to be perfect as always.

He drove back to his mansion in a hurry only to find himself seduced by that little nymph. He was just powerless when it comes to her as if she controls him. He liked it though and he was scared about it at the same time.

He shook Aurora out of his head. He had so much to do to cover for the days he won't be at work because of his honey moon.

'Sir, your appointment is here,' Victor said.

'Send her in.'

The tall beautiful woman appeared on his doorway and he stood up with a smile.

'It's an honor to have you come down all the way here,' he said as he approached her.

'The honor is all mine Mr. Ladra,' she said as she took his hand.

'Call me Lucian,' he said.

'If that's the case, then please call me Irene,' she said with a smile.

'Since we have let go of the formalities then please have a seat and let's get down to business,' Lucian said offering Irene a seat.

It was going to be a long meeting he guessed. He had so much to talk about with her and he had all the time in the world since he would be shutting Aurora out of his mind.