Friday finally arrives. Rehearsals are over and I stand with Ron and Olivia at the entrance doors of the auditorium.
“Don’t you have to be at work in about an hour?” Olivia asks me.
“I spoke to Nadine about the situation with my play, a while back. Friday’s work has been handed over to another part timer for the while, so I’ll be free on Friday evenings completely. What joy!” I say, sarcastically.
“Can I see the paper again?” she asked.
I fumble into my jeans pocket to pull the slip of paper with Kyle’s address on it. I hand it to her.
“Millennium Lane...” I let the name escape my lips for the first time. “Sounds fancy. I’ve never heard of it.”
“Me either...” Ron says.
“Same...” Olivia adds.
“I’ll have to take a taxi to get there,” I tell them.
“Keep your phone close,” Olivia says, going off on an anxious tantrum. “Call immediately if there’s trouble. In fact, have both Ron and me on speed dial.”
I roll my eyes. “Yes, mom.”
“Be safe,” she adds.
I leave, walking up the sidewalk from the school compound to get to the main road where I would be sure to find a taxi.