The Week of Re-evaluation [1]


It’s been days. Olivia still hasn’t spoken to me. Why hasn’t she? Why hasn’t she? Is she really that mad at me this time?

My message tone rings. I find myself being grateful that someone could distract me from all my late night work even for a minute.

Kyle: Is Ron actually a menopausal housewife with bipolar issues? He hasn’t replied to me in three days, he hasn’t answered my calls... he hasn’t even nodded in my direction.

Me: Well maybe you should take into consideration that that’s exactly how you treat him on a daily basis

Me: and to stretch my point, he’s felt that way for years

Me: …or however long you guys have been friends, anyway

Kyle: That’s ridiculous! I know I don’t say a lot and I’ve managed to keep quiet about my personal shit from the beginning but

Me: ...

Me: ?

Me: But?

Kyle: I don’t know, my mind went blank

Me: -_-

Kyle: I don’t exactly have a normal excuse for being an asshole, Lloyd

Kyle: A reasonable enough excuse that I can tell Roomie, anyway

Me: Why do you call him that?

Kyle: we were roommates at a summer camp that we both went to just before freshman year started. That’s how we met. The summer camp was on reserved lands where there was a main house and then log cabins... hot, mosquito infested cabins.

Daunting. Truly.

Me: you shared a bunk?

Kyle: we shared a bunk.

Me: aaahhh. Okay.

Kyle: Anyway, back to the point. I kind of feel like I’m dying

Me: get over it, drama queen, Olivia is ignoring my existence too

Kyle: Yea but I’ve had to put up with you for the past three days by myself. Do you know how calming it is, knowing that I usually have Ron beside me so I don’t pummel you into the ground?

Me: you’re such a feculent superficial blight upon society.

Me: I thought we were FRIENDS.

Kyle; yea but you’re so annoying

Malory: thanks.

Kyle: How much more time does he neeeeeed?

Me: Kyle Austin Isaac Davidson. I am doing homework and I have THREE essays to finish writing for the morning. I hope you understand that you’re not the hopeless case in this situation.

Kyle: Whoa since when do you call me by my full name?

Kyle: That’s so weird.

Kyle: Please never do that again.

Kyle: Also, that’s not fair! I don’t know your middle names, Lloyd.

Kyle: That’s not fair at all.

There’s really nothing special about my middle names. I just don’t like people knowing them. I don’t find them to be relevant at all.

And besides –everyone’s got to have some sort of mystery to them.

Me: Life isn’t fair. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Kyle: what do girls do to get their friends to forgive them?

Me: Heck, I don’t know. Her favourite snack? Usually she would have forgiven me by now. If I knew the answer, I’d have told you. I’ve really got to go, Kyle. I’ve got work to do. Seriously.

Kyle: okay, okay. Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.

The conversation ends and I almost want to pelt my phone at the wall just thinking about how frustrated all this homework makes me.

How could I have let myself fall so far behind?

It used to be so easy for me to keep up. Despite being ahead, I never had a problem just getting the daily homework done.

Maybe it’s just that these past few days have been rough.

They’ll pass.


I hope.