The Week of Re-evaluation [3]


It’s late Thursday night. Ron came, worked, and left. I attended to church activities and returned home not too long ago. I check the clock. It’s after nine. I’m ready to sleep but I can’t put my mind at ease.

Me: I think I finally figured out why I’m so upset

Ron: Finally? Wait, you were trying to figure out a reason for that?

Me: I never stay mad for this long but I’m starting to pity the poor souls. They only have each other now. How do you think that’s going to work?

Ron: True... then why are you so mad? I was just thinking maybe I’ll let Kyle fly on his own for a while. I only have a couple months before graduation, I’m not going to spend it wishing I knew more about my own mysterious best friend. Plus, Kyle has been a dick, overall. He needs the alone time so he can re-evaluate himself as a person. I’d honestly consider it a personal achievement leaving him alone. It might help him to improve on his attitude towards others before he leaves high school.

Me: I’m mad because three UNLIKELY acquaintances know that Kyle was injured, Ron. Kyle, Malory and ADRIEN. Adrien and Malory are okay with each other, yes, yes, I know, but Kyle and Adrien? They’ve been like fire and oil since the beginning...

Ron: Do you think he had something to do with the fight?

Me: I’m thinking that it’s possible. No specific person was mentioned when the fight was mentioned.

Me: I have a way of finding out the whole story, though.

Ron: You do?

Olivia: Yea.

Olivia: Leave it to me.