At Full Speed [1]


Olivia sighs over her food, holding her head up with her erected arm on the table. “My parents are coming back in a few days and the only bit of living I’ve done was get drunk on Ron’s birthday and curse,” she rolls her eyes, “I’m such a rebel.”

“What, you were expecting to become a complete lowlife?” I ask, smirking.

“No,” She replies, grimacing, “But I was expecting to do more. My aunt couldn’t care less about me –once she doesn’t get into trouble if I’m hurt or something happens to me in general, that is. Rachel and Denise are just picky snobs. They’ll only be there until Sunday now. I wasted my chance at doing a world of things. That just makes me depressed.”

“On the bright side, you did meet a cute guy,” I say, grinning, “And you can’t seem to stop thinking about him from the looks of it. You’re in this sort of consistent dreamy daze.”

“I did happen to see him again. We talked a few times. He’s a really cool guy,” she says, shrugging.