“I pity your indifference to the matter,” she says. “Such dealings with commoners is fretful –oh, just the thought of it feels abrasive! These people work day in, day out to earn what you throw across a table for a sour taste! How are you not ashamed?”
“My lady, it is with great disdain that I should oppose. A man such as myself only wishes to enjoy what life has to offer. It is not that I am a bad person –do not think such a thing of me. I will repay these drunken bastards when they come to their own senses.”
“How am I to be sure you are not a corrupted man? You always hide behind a mask, parading through the streets to find yourself at my tree at midnight. You wear a cape to hide your broad shoulders and shadow your truths. There is much reason to keep away from people like you.”
I scoff.
I break character.
“What?” Malory asks, breaking character as well.
“The irony,” I say, shaking my head. “Now I see why you guys like literature and plays so much.”