Warning By An Unknown Part ||

« Eric's POV »

Message 2: I think everyone loves their family and so do you my friend, so before doing something stupid know that your family is under my control....bye bye

After reading that message I laughed holding my stomach until I couldn't breathe anymore and now I am damn sure that he is just an ordinary person trying to save Jacob or maybe he is Jacob who he is trying to save himself.

(Family Fash Back :

When I was fifteen years old, I had a very loving and happy family but one night ruined it all or let me say my father ruined it all. The night when my mother got to know about my father cheating on her, and later it got a little wild, no let me correct myself it got wild to the extent that my 'late' father killed my mother by beating her.

Later I picked my dad's gun and shot him directly on his head while looking in his eyes.

So after that, I don't have any family and only Jason knows about it and others think that they ( my parents) are living happily somewhere.

Flash Back Ended)

Then I sent those messages to Jacob and told him to look into this matter more carefully and after that, I got up from the bed and went out to prepare breakfast. After making the food, I went into Jess’s room to give her food.

I made my way inside her room and saw her laying on the floor near the restroom and the door of the restroom was open. It was like she fainted after coming out of the restroom. She was looking pale and lifeless as she was lying on the floor.

I went towards her and sat on the floor beside her and I tried to wake her up by calling her name but there was no response. So I placed my finger under her nose to see if she was breathing properly or not. It was normal and after that, I was relieved not because I cared about her or anything in that matter but because I wanted to kill her by myself and she cannot die like that.

Then I took a glass of water from the table beside her bed and sprinkled some on her but there was no response from her end. Then I lifted her in bridal style and placed her on the bed and then went to call my doctor, he treats me whenever I get hurt.

He told me that he will be here in one and a half hours, so till then what should I do with her? I guess all I could do was just wait for the doctor to arrive and check on her.

Then Jason came and told me that everything is prepared for tomorrow night and he also told me that when he saw those messages from the morning he also laughed. That’s why he is my right hand because we are always on the same page.

After he went out I was waiting for my doctor to arrive, after about fifteen minutes he came and I led him towards Jess's room and then he told me to get out as he wanted to examine her.

After coming out of her room, I directly went to my room to take a shower and then I got dressed and came out just to discover that my doctor is still busy examining her.

It was already lunchtime so I cooked for myself and then ate it while waiting for the doctor to finish examining her. After about five minutes he came out.

He told me that she is fine, she fainted because she is frustrated and worried about something and she is also very weak physically and that’s what caused her to faint. He prescribed some medicines for her too and told me that she will wake up in some time and if not then to call the doctor because then she would have to get admitted to the hospital and then he went out.

I was waiting for her to wake up but she wasn't waking up and I didn’t realize when I slept while waiting for her to wake up. By the time I woke up, it was already nine in the night.

I had a severe headache so I just took medicine and slept immediately because of heavy medication and forget to check on Jess to see if she has woken up or not.

« Jess's prove »

After Eric went out of my room, I sat on my bed and was thinking about my life, what's happening in my life? My life is completely messed up and I am equally messed up as well. I don't know what will happen to me, hell I don't even know if I will be alive in the next moment.

Slowly Eric is acting more strange and I don't feel safe around him, I never felt safe or had a good feeling around him but now all those feeling are consuming me, my mind, and in the end my soul.

I just want to run away from everything and be with my family and live like I used to- without any care, and enjoy life with my favorite people.

I wonder even if I will be able to go home again ever, will I be the same way I was and will I be able to have my old lifestyle back? Or everything will be changed.

I just sat on the side of the bed on the floor staring at the white wall. I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t wish to see or talk to anyone.

Then I heard the sound of the door opening, without even looking I knew it's none other than Eric, he came towards me and asked me to watch a movie with him but I denied it without looking at him.

But he said he is not asking me but ordering me and after I didn't say anything and didn’t even look at him, I thought he will leave because of my lack of response but he did the opposite of it.

He gripped my hand and dragged me out of the room, literally wiping the floor with me, my hand was hurting a lot because of how he was pulling it but I didn't say anything or protested against it. I didn’t even have the strength to fight back- I was completely exhausted.