Chapter 16: The death of Albert Miles..

“You’re so predictable Kat. I knew you’d find yourself here, on this particular floor. Apologies for my tardiness to this reunion, I’ve been cleaning up a rather large mess you left while travelling here.”

My skin crawled as Albert spoke, he filled me with the opposite of the warmth Derek did. The world became cold and hopeless.

“Is everyone ok up there!?” I asked, desperately hoping that my stunt with the lift hadn’t hurt anyone.

“All but one.” Albert replied, smiling wryly. “Aren’t you going to thank me? Yet another disaster cleaned up by yours truly. It could’ve been a lot worse.” My heart sank as I went through a Rolodex of residents in my mind. It was like I was being told off. I was about to ask who got hurt, but I couldn’t find the words in time before the brothers erupted into a bitter row.

“Let them go home Albert; they’ve learned their lesson, they won’t look for me again.” Derek interjected firmly.