Chapter 18: The End.

Home didn’t feel as empty as it once had. Even without Jamie or Mr Meow I felt more hope than I had in months. I greeted Wrinkles and Tetley, fed them and sat down to smoke at my fold out table.

Natural sun poured in through the windows but my home would never look quite the same after my time in the under-tower.

I turned on the shower and must have stood underneath the water, watching Albert’s blood run down the sink, for at least half an hour. Overwhelmed doesn’t cover it. Shut down would be more accurate.

I dithered while getting ready, exhausted and starting to feel the lack of sleep once again. My eyes were heavy. Sitting down on the bed was fatal.

I woke up a few hours later, worried that I’d left Derek waiting.

I rushed out of the flat and down the stairs to the garden. They were extra kind and only made me take one flight going straight from my floor to the main entrance. I couldn’t have been more grateful, I was so exhausted.