“For all of your scars, my darling. Especially those.”

Vynier is rich in spices strong enough to spread a scent of wealth across the kingdoms beyond it. Peace thrives among Vynier, Phillimont and Lystotia, the three neighbouring kingdoms of a cozy Europe, but there is darkness festering within the Vynierian palace; Darkness which can only be silenced by a mouth forced shut and the conformation of a traumatised, almost brain-washed mind.

Princess Ericia Charlotte Avington stands at the centre of the confusion, and along with the dark, cold horrors of her everyday life comes new trouble - trouble that's doubled.

Prince Rowan William Wright III of the Kingdom of Lystotia, Princess Ericia's Betrothed, arrives at her palace with the intention of wooing his childhood acquaintance before they are to be married. He is the heir to a kingdom abundant in textiles and precious metals and minerals, handsome, charming and talented in every Royal Prince way, but just when the Princess believes she has found the hope of escape through this marriage, another visitor arrives for a long term stay, and not only is he the Prince of Phillimont –the home of the largest army in all the kingdoms- but he knows something that Prince Rowan doesn't; the root of Ericia's darkness.