KING STEPHEN WRIGHT and Queen Carol Wright of the Kingdom of Lystotia arrive at the Vynierian palace on the Saturday afternoon prior to the wedding. Their arrival, though grand and memorable, is associated with the hectic preparations being completed for the wedding.
Ericia watches the Lystotian royals from her room. She cannot see the end of the work on her end of the spectrum, but for these guests there is nothing but anticipation and relaxation.
Ericia is standing just high enough on a platform so that Mrs Archer can adjust the final pieces of her wedding dress. She was reluctant to have any changes made to her mother’s bridal gown at first, but considering her mother was differently sized, alternations were necessary. The corset around her waist feels like it is suffocating her, but she doesn’t change her mind about wearing the dress.
Gaya, though obviously aware of the scars present on Ericia’s body, ignores them and asks no questions.