I woke up from the loud ringing on my phone, i pick it up and answer it.
"Jane! Finally you are awake. Well if you don't mind opening your door for me."
"Kayley?" I asked.
"Yes you drunkard girl" What the?
I hung up and got up from my bed.
As she demanded i went to the front door, open it for her and this early she's in my place and i don't have any idea why.
"What brings you here?" I asked as she walks inside my place..
"I was worried i heard you were drunk again, got a boy problem? Also we're going to Aria's place later" she said as she sat down at the couch.
"Worried? You? Well thanks.. shit happens i suppose "
"No problem and also i brought some foods.. and medicine for your hangover. Geez you look like a mess" she said.
"Yup.. a hot mess" i grin
"Oh.. okay. I will just reheat this soup" i chuckled.