The revolt of yet another prince

Warm light warms my skin. It's already day! I open my eyes, take a deep breath of the cold morning air. And I'm awake! I jump out of bed and stretch as far as I can. The birds are singing, the sun is rising, and the whole day seems to be smiling!

Turn to my bench, a bowl of freshwater rests in it.

I observe my reflection, how happy I look today!

Can't stop smiling!

Wash my face. How cold is the water!

For sure, I am well awake now.

Turn to my wardrobe, start to dress myself up.

I need to button the buttons right! Tie the knot in the best possible way. And still, need to be careful not to wear anything inside out!

Why are clothes so complicated?

Tock tock I hear from the door.

—Come in! — I answer right away.

—How excited your highness is this morning! —The familiar voice exclaims.

—Moli! Help me out! I am stuck!— I give up trying to stick my head in the jacket.

—Well, it is already a breakthrough!— She says pulling me out of the jacket. I can see again!