Chapter one

When you see blue I'll see red, When you see sunshine I'll see rain, When you're happy I'm sad, When you're sane... I'm not. Am I insane because I see things differently? Am I insane because I am different? What makes a person truly insane? because in my head I'm not insane I'm perfectly normal.They say believe the people you trust they'll tell you the truth but I don't think I have such people in my life. They all tell lies, they tell lies to the neighbors, they tell lies to their friends,they tell lies to my therapist they even tell lies to me. So how can I trust or believe such people?my therapist says that I've got to trust the process. What process is she talking about? because nothing ever changes it all just stays the same and I can't take it anymore. I've had the same therapist for two years now and she tells me things like, "You need to do things differently, think differently and feel differently Heather"but how can I do all those things with the same people, the same lies and the same therapist. Nothing ever changes if nothing ever changes.