As long as this day was, I must say it has gone by sooner than I had anticipated.It's last period and I'm sitting in English class, near the window... again.The desk before mine is not occupied and makes me feel like I'm all alone in the classroom and I mean it in a good way. Mrs Collins had to run off to the office so the class is brimming with laughter and conversation.
Just as I wanted to take out my book to continue reading were I left off someone comes and sits in the desk before mine. When I look up I stare into a familiar face... it's Jade, he smiles and says, "well we might as well sit close to one another since we're working together on this, you know the assignment. " I nod my head, turning it slightly to the window to look at something or even someone that I find more appealing.
"So you're a day dreamer?"
"What? "
"someone lost in his or her thoughts"
"No I know what is meant by a day dreamer its just why would you say so?" I ask quite irrated.