Chapter 2

Xin's (POV)

After a few long hours of finishing the documents, I was finally able to send it to my grandma. I stretched my arms and my sore shoulders. I can hear their music and laughter outside my room. "Glad they're enjoying theirselves after I behaved like that." I feel hungry now. I sighed, set aside my eyeglasses and walked out of my room.

I can smell my favourite food. A mouth watering, freshly cooked, crispy fried chicken. I walked fast towards the dining room and saw Veronica and Heidi preparing the food at the table. My sister smiled and Heidi waved at me. "We cooked your favourite." Veronica smiled sweetly. Heidi smiled at me too.

"You know my weakness." I sat on my chair as they also sat on their chairs.

"I hope we didn't bother you." Cherry said as she looked at me shyly.

"We know you don't like us but we'll gladly want you to be our friend. Let's get to know each other first, and then you can go from there. You can decide if you want to be friends with us or not." Amara said to me with hopeful eyes.

I raised my left eyebrow and looked at them. "I didn't say that I don't like you. I just don't know how my body will react to you. It's for your won safety. I know Vicky told you what happened to the people who tried to go near me. Especially, GUYS."

Veronica squealed and clapped her hands like a kid. "Then, is it alright if you go out with us?"

I'm in a bit of a panic. I don't go out much. I'm too afraid to hurt someone and I'm not sure I know much about my body. Even if I can control my mind, my's a different story when it comes to my body. It's like my body has a mind of its own.

"We know a place that doesn't have a lot of people. Also, only girls can go there. It's safe for you. I know someone there so I suggested the place to your sister." I can feel the sincerity in Heidi's voice.

I looked at them. I didn't see any ill-intent in their eyes, just pure honesty. Veronica's eyes were pleading to me, telling me that I have to say yes. I can't say no those puppy eyes. This is also the first time that my sister asked for something like this from me. I love my sister too much and I will do anything for her. I sighed and nodded. They all squealed in excitement. I ate silently while they were sharing their stories and talked about random things. This was the first time that the apartment was filled with noise and laughter. I can't be selfish anymore for my sister's happiness. Heidi makes her happy. I can see it. I can also feel the love between them.

Veronica caught my eyes while she was looking at Heidi. "Xin?"


"Thank you."

I stopped eating and slowly drank my water. "When is the wedding?"

Heidi choked after hearing my question. My sister gave her water and patted her back. Amara and Cherry snickered at Heidi's reaction.

"Oh, trust me, Maxine!" We always ask them the same question but they kept telling us that it's too early for marriage." Amara laughed as she said it.

"Just call me Xin. Oh, and I want Heidi to be my sister-in-law. A woman like her who is fresh and a virgin is a rare find." I answered. This time, all of them choked and were shocked at what I just said. "I want to find a girl like her. Well, I don't go out that, I'll try doing your suggestion."

"You sure are straightforward, huh." Amara said as she stared hard at me.

I just shrugged and continued to eat. For me, virginity is a gift that you must treasure until the right one comes. It's not all about experiment and experience. As for the women who were sexually harassed and raped, I'm not sure how I will react to them if I accidentally encounter one of them. One thing is for sure, the first thing that will come to my mind is to torture and kill the perpetrator. I want them to feel their doom, to feel how death slowly creeps up to them. I'll gladly take the opportunity to take them down. I looked at the women dining with me. Their suggestion is a win-win for all of us. I won't let my sister down. I have always wanted to change but I lack motivation which makes my fears win against me. I don't know what these changes will bring about, but I will try everything for my sister.

I just shrugged. "It might help me with my condition."

Veronica glared at me playfully. "You serious about this?"

"You don't like the idea of marrying her?" I asked seriously.

Veronica's lips pursed. She stared at her girlfriend who looks interested as to what answer she will give. "I-I want to marry her. This is not the right time though."

Heidi smiled as she blushed.

Amara and Cherry cheered for them. "See? It's not hard to speak the truth." Amara lectured.

I nodded in agreement. "Grandma will be happy about this."

Veronica looked down and stared at her food. She was trying to hide her blushing face and just ate silently.

"I'm glad I'm single now. My parents kept pestering me about my grades. They keep telling me to stop partying and fooling around with guys." Cherry said and took a bite of her food.

"Because you're such a dork,Cher." Amara snickered.

I silently watched them as they were bickering. They are really close with each other. I wish I can find friendship like this. I'm happy that Veronica found people like them. I wish I can find someone that I can love for the rest of my life."

Veronica and Heidi were smiling at each other. I can see the love sparkling in their eyes. I need to protect them from those who will try to ruin their relationship. I won't let my sister be hurt because of others' selfishness.

"Eat more, Xin. I cooked a lot just for you." Heidi said as she gave me a warm smile.

I nodded. "Thank you."