Chapter 9

After the meeting, Blair asked for Xin's contact information. Blair deemed it necessary to have Xin's contact information so that she could call her if she would ever need Xin's help again. Blair and Quinn also kept asking Xin about a lot of things. They asked Xin if she was dating someone, or if she likes someone. There were a lot of times that Xin looked at her grandmother, pleading for her to be saved from Blair and Quinn's "interrogation." Chelsea just let them be, though. Xin was so amused with the two women. Even Seraph loved their company. Seraph also kept on telling Xin to flirt with them. Yes, Seraph is indeed a pervert demon. It's just that Seraph was in denial.

She finally got home after a long day. She felt exhausted and lay on her bed to rest. Is she into older women? Xin's being attracted to older women must have been Seraph's doing.

Xin's phone rang. She answered it even without checking the caller ID.

"Hi, Xin." Amara greeted.


"I got your number from your sister. She asked me to go to your apartment. Will that be okay with you?"

Xin got up from her bed. "It's fine. Why?"

"She asked me to look after you because she's going on a date with Heidi after her business matter. I'm on my way now, bye."

Xin looked at her phone. Is she a little child that still needs to be taken care of? She's a grown up now. Why can't her sister see that?

Xin just shrugged. She took her clothes off and took a bath. After taking a bath, she wore a white tank top and a black, flannel pajama pants. While she was drying her hair with hee towel, the doorbell rang.

She rolled her eyes and went out of her room to check if it was Amara ringing the doorbell. She opened the door and she saw Amara smiling.

"I brought ice cream." Amara said. Xin let her in and then locked the door.

"Thanks. So, you're a babysitter now? How much do I owe you for your service?"

Amara laughed. "Nice try. It's for free though. I would love to get to know you better, Xin."

"And why is that?"

Amara went to the kitchen and put ice cream in the dessert cups. "We've been wanting to meet you for a very long time now. Veronica was always talking about you. Honestly, you're quite scary. You look so serious all the time."

"I'm not that bad."

"I know." Amara handed Xin a cup of ice cream. Xin thanked her.

Xin turned the telly on. She let Amara choose a movie on a streaming platform.

There was an awkward silence in between them. "So... where is Cherry?" Xin asked to break the ice.

"She's at a party. A college party."

"Will she be okay there? I heard about parties where women are drugged and then gang raped."

Amara gasped. "Y-You're joking?"

"It's all over the news recently. Honestly, highschool girls and college girls can't take care of themselves... especially, when they get drunk. Why is there a need to attend a party where everything is so chaotic and crazy? Some girls end up getting pregnant without knowing who the father is. Some just end up getting hurt even if they haven't done anything bad." Xin said while she was eating her ice cream.

"You are the reason why Veronica doesn't go to parties with us." Amara frowned while pointing the spoon at Xin.

"I let her attend parties. Business parties. It's because she will be able to control her alcohol intake on such occasions. She would also be surrounded by older people who are responsible enough. People who think about the future, people who talk about money."

"Sounds boring to me."

"It's boring for you because you don't have a big responsibility on your shoulders."

Amara didn't respond. Xin knew that she hit a nerve there. Xin had a victorious laugh inside her head.

"You're old." Amara answered.

Xin shrugged. "I'm just speaking the truth. You can party all you want, but only with your friends and family. Only with the people that you certainly can trust. Don't be with people that you barely even know. It's for your own safety and future."

"Ugh! Wait here." Amara dialed a number on her phone.

Xin focused on the movie. They were watching "Justice League." She loves Gal Gadot. She loves those long legs. So yummy!

"Come with me. It seems like Cherry is so drunk. Someone else answered her phone." A worried look showed on Amara's face.

Xin grabbed a jacket and didn't even bother to change out of her sleepwear. She put on her birks sandals and went out of the apartment in a rush.

"Women." Xin muttered while she was looking out the window. They rode on Amara's car because Xin was the one driving.

Amara dialed Cherry's number and spoke with the person who was holding Cherry's phone.

"They are in a room. I'm glad that she's fine." Amara said.

"Who's with her?" They turned left.

"I think his name is Josh. Don't worry, he's our classmate. He's totally a gentleman."

"A HE?!"

"Yes. I'm sorry. You could just wait for us in the car, okay?"

"Fine!" She said through gritted teeth. She felt so frustrated.

They have reached their destination after a while of driving. It was a big house. There were a lot of people standing outside. You can even smell alcohol and weed from afar. "Bloody gross!" Xin muttered.

"Wait here." Amara ran towards the big house.

Xin disembarked from the car and leaned on it. She looked around. There really were a lot of people who were drinking, laughing without a care in the world, and making out.

Xin shook her head when she heard people shouting and screaming. There was a guy who was being punched by another guy. Her body reacted when she saw that Amara was trying to prevent a guy from being punched.

Xin ran as fast as she could. She shoved the people who were blocking her way. Her vision was getting blurry and her adrenaline soared. All she cared about at the moment was Amara and Cherry. She doesn't even know anymore if she shoved a male or a female. She ran upstairs then heard screams in a room. She saw Cherry on a bed with a man on top of her. Amara tried to push the man away from Cherry but she just got slapped by the man.

Xin's eyes turned dark. She clenched her fist. Her disgust was showing on her face when another man grabbed Amara.

"They are mine!"

Xin's body moved on its own. Her thoughts became hazy. All she was able to see was darkness.

Xin pushed the man who tried to hurt Amara. She then slammed his head on the floor which made him lose consciousness. Xin then jumped on the man who was trying to rip Cherry's dress. Xin kicked his face so hard that he was sent flying for a few meters. Xin didn't want to waste time and just kept kicking the man on his crotch. The man cried in pain. Xin's eyes were full of rage. Xin looks at the man who was just done beating Josh as Josh was already on the verge of collapsing.

"You will die!" It was still Xin's voice but with a hint of Seraph's voice.

Xin was so fast to grab the man's shoulder. They all heard the sound of cracking bones. The man screamed in pain when his arm was dislocated from his shoulder. There were people watching them who were stunned. They all came to the room when they heard screams coming from the room. They all witnessed how Xin beat the shit out of those men. Those men seemed like they were under the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol.

Xin looked around. She made sure that no one would dare touch Amara and Cherry again. She grabbed Cherry who was still unconscious and carried her like a bride. The people just let them through. The party had suddenly come to an end because of the commotion.

Amara helped Josh stand up and walk to the car. He looked like he was in bad shape.

"Get inside." Xin told them while she helped Cherry sit on the backseat of her car. Josh was on the backseat too.

"What just happened there, Xin?" Amara asked while her hands were trembling.

"Are you worried about those bastards?! They tried to hurt you and Cherry! They even hurt that "he" on the backseat. That is the reason why I hate those kinds of parties. Bloody hormones and drugs!" Xin was fuming while she drove.

"I-I'm so sorry, Amara. I...I tried to stop them." Josh said.

"I'll drive you home as you are not allowed to be in our apartment. Your wounds are not deep anyway. Those are just minor stuffs that you can easily manage to take care of at home. And Amara, you will be staying with me and Cherry. No BUTS!"

Amara didn't say anything. She was afraid that Xin might get angrier if she tried to argue with her. She looked at Xin's face. Amara got confused because Xin's bluish grey eyes turned dark, vey dark.