Chapter 17

Xin's POV

I was watching Amethyst and Veronica cook in the kitchen. They talked and laughed. They easily clicked together.

"I'm glad that Vicky didn't mind your relationship with Amethyst. She kept complaining to me about how your chastity was stolen by a stranger." Heidi told me as she gave me a slice of apple that was shaped like a rabbit. It was cute.

"She needs to accept the fact that I will change." I picked a piece of the rabbit shaped apple and took a bite. "Besides, I didn't even bother complaining about hearing you two screaming and moaning in her room. I kept telling her to make some changes in her room and make it soundproof like mine. See what I'm saying?"

Heidi choked on the apple that she was eating. She coughed and immediately drank water. Her eyes were wet from choking.

Veronica and Amethyst looked in our direction.

"Are you okay, babe?" Veronica asked as she ran towards Heidi. Veronica rubbed Heidi's back.

"Y-Yes. I was just caught of guard by what Xin said." Heidi wiped her mouth.

Veronica frowned and looked at me. I just shrugged.

"Care to share?" Veronica met my eyes.

"She told me about how you keep complaining about my chastity being snatched by a stranger. I told her that you need to accept that I will change. I also told her how I don't even bother complaining to you when I always hear the two of you screaming and moaning in your room." I said flatly.

Veronica and Heidi's face turned beet red. Amethyst just laughed and got back to what she was doing.

"A-Anyway, Amara and Cherry will be coming over too." Veronica said to change the topic.

"I have noticed that our apartment has become a place of bonding to you all. What's so interesting with this place?" I asked.

"Because you are here." Heidi said while giving Veronica a meaningful look.


"They said that their days aren't complete without seeing you. I'll go back to the kitchen and help Amethyst." Veronica said and went back to the kitchen.

"Aske them. We don't really know why." Heidi giggled while she was looking at her phone.

I frowned. What's so interesting about me? Are they making fun of me behind my back?

"Don't dwell on it too much. They think of you in a nice way, okay? Just believe me." Heidi said when she noticed my silence.

I sighed and nodded.

"Our food will all be gathered here together. This is so exciting." Seraph said.

"They are not food." I responded in my mind.

"Fine. I'll just call them OUR GIRLS. It sounds much better."

"Just shut up, pervert demon."

"Who's the pervert here after you just had Amethyst? You love it so much."

I groaned internally and turned on the TV.

"So...when will you taste the other two?"

"I thought you just pick virgins. They are not virgins anymore!"

"Like I said, they are just temporary food as long as they are women, as long as they don't have dick." Seraph said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh, you are being a whore now. Should I call you a whore demon now?"

"Fuck you! Urgh! You'll see what I will do!"

I laughed internally. Seraph has finally shut up.

"Xin?" Heidi called out to me.


"Your phone is ringing."

I looked at the glass table where I put my mobile phone and I grabbed it.

"Yes?" I answered the call.

"Oh, hi, baby girl! Can you tell Veronica that we have a dinner meeting later? She's not answering her phone." It was grandma.

"Oh, she's busy preparing our lunch. I'll go tell her."

"Thank you, baby girl." Grandma then ended the call.

"Hey, Vicky! Grandma called me. She told me that you have a dinner meeting tonight. Just check your phone later." I raised my voice so Veronica can hear me.

"Got it!" Veronica shouted back.

"You two don't have to shout like that. You're just a few meters away from each other." Amethyst said as she put the food at the table.

"You'll get used to it. They act like idiots sometimes." Heidi laughed as she shook her head in embarrassment.

" I wanna see how Xin acts like an idiot." Amethyst said while she giggled.

"Hello, bitches!" Amara suddenly barged in with Cherry next to her.

I almost dropped the remote control.

"Why, hello there..." Amara suddenly jumped and sat on my lap. "Greet our savior too, Cherry."

"Hi, Xin." Cherry smiled at me. I was startled when she kissed my cheeks.

They were acting so weird that even Veronica and Heidi were shocked.

I looked at Amethyst. I can't read her expression. Her face shows no emotion.

"You're doomed!" Seraph laughed hysterically at me.

"This is your fault!" I thought as I gritted my teeth.

"Ah...ladies, are you okay?" I asked them, still feeling confused.

Amara and Cherry looked at each other and laughed.

"You should have seen yourself. Your reaction was so funny." Amara said. She still didn't bother leaving my lap.

"Don't worry about us." Cherry said as she sat beside me.

Heidi gave them a questioning look.

"Is this another one of those pranks of yours?" Veronica asked with suspicion.

"No." They said in unison.

I felt shivers run my spine when I felt Cherry rub my back in a sensual way.

"Let me take over."

"W-What?! NO!"

But even before I could protest, I felt like my body was being pulled into a dark place. I closed my eyes and felt that my body was being chained. My consciousness was fading away.

"Don't worry. You'll still be you. I just put myself outside. This is gonna be fun."

I opened my eyes again. I felt my body move on its own as I slowly put my arm around Amara's waist and inhaled her scent.

Amara was startled with what I just did.

"Darling...if you want to play around, just say so... I'll give it to you." My voice was different. It became so sensual and seductive. I slowly bit Amara's earlobe which made her shiver.

I looked at Cherry who was taken aback by my sudden change in behaviour. I pulled her close to me. I traced her neck with my tongue and kissed it.

"Hmm...not bad. You taste good for a non-virgin woman." I said as I looked at the hickey that I made on her neck.

I slowly guided Amara to sit on the couch. I stood up and stretched my arms. " feels so good to be out after a long while." I looked at the four women who were staring at me with their jaws dropped.

I walked seductively towards Amethyst and touched her chin. "This is getting better and" I whispered to her as I caught her lips.