Chapter 44

Oscar's POV

My shoulders were shaking, I was crying my eyes out as I was holding Kara's lifeless body. I snuggled my face on the crook of her neck. I cried and cried some more as I tightened my grip on her body. I felt all eyes on me but I didn't care. I lost her...we lost her...Kara...our Kara was gone.

Gluttony and Wrath managed to let us all escape from the fight that we couldn't win.

"Oscar..." I felt Sloth's hand tap my back.

"She's g-gone..." I choked and just let my tears flow like a river. My heartfelt like it was twisted, trying to kill me from the pain of losing a very important friend.

Sloth kneeled and hugged me from behind. "Darling...I know it hurts... but please, just be strong for her..."

"P-Please...let me be alone with her...please..." I pleaded while I was embracing Kara's cold body.