
After flashback

avy and brown hair to one side. She wore black heels up to twelve inches high.

"You have to tell me your name!" I asked you at university to say thank you, but I couldn't find you. "

"Elizabeth Violeta Davidović, I'm glad! What is your name?"

"Edward Cronin, I'm glad we finally met as follows!"

She told him how a friend persuaded her to come, and she did not feel well because she had passed a difficult exam, but she was still glad that she had come. They talked and laughed for a long time. "What are you studying?"

"Film Art, Department of Directing and Production." - she answered - "I'm in my fourth year, final, and you?" she asked him.

"The economy. Why film art? ”

“Because I want to screen Anamarjel’s book, The Order of the Phoenix. Did you hear about that book or did you read it? ”

"I did, I heard, but I don't read that genre." - his mood visibly dropped, but he still remained focused on talking to Elizabeth.