First attempt to escape

In Lexies' head, a lot of violent things already happened, but in reality, they just cuddled, it was rather sweet. He sniffs her hair a lot and touches her body perversely, but nothing against violating her will. She even admits that she felt familiar with those little advances he made, which calms her and made her eventually sleep.

The next day she wakes up and looks around, 'that guy' is not around. The Villa was heavily guarded and the chance of escaping is slim, the walls surrounding the mansion are also very high. She inhaled and exhaled to calm herself down, she paced back and forth thinking of a way to escape. Truthfully she is escaping the unrealistic situation she is in, not from him. She just wanted to go back to the time that she is admiring him in her dreams. That man’s face has a halo effect on it, the minute you look at him all you can feel is blissful admiration of his appearance. She only realized fear when she confronted Chloe's and Wendy’s tortured body.

She studied the surrounding, the sound of the chicken, and the quietness of the area means they’re somewhere rural, she can’t hear vehicles so she’s away from public roads and transportation. Lexie made it look like she was trying to just see around but she was actually trying to study how she can escape. Based on the algae that live on the trees in Albert's backyard they were located on the Valley of Sonoma South mountains of the municipal provinces of Riverside.

Albert, on the other hand, observed his young wife through the surveillance camera and he knew she was planning something.

There was probably a hundred or more miles away from her home. She can’t help feeling hopeless. She has never been to this side of the country. No smartphone, computer, and or anything that she can use to ask for help. But there’s TV and Netflix which she can't have an interest in for now since she’s busy trying to figure out how to get away. She is not able to read this man’s mind if he will hurt her or treat her the same as Chloe when he is pissed at her.

The place could have been a mountain resort, so peaceful and the air was so fresh, things she planned to do with Natalie and Brian to relax. But there’s no time to relax, she has to go. Who knows how many people this crazy guy killed that's the thing she always reminds herself every time she gives in to a fantasy of him and her together.

At night when Albert came home, she was called to eat dinner.

“I’m not hungry.”

But her attempt to refuse resulted in him carrying her on his shoulders to the dining hall by force.

“Put me down!.”

Even if she cried loud and destroyed all things in the house, he won’t stop her, he will just replace everything she destroyed. When she refuses to eat she will be tied to the chair and fed through his mouth.

They were in the bedroom, she refused to wear those skimpy night dresses he bought for her and wore one of his t-shirts and shorts. She didn’t know that it aroused him even more. Any man would too if they saw their women wearing their clothes. He just shook his head and hid his amusement.

She placed a barrier of pillows between them. While staring at him eyes narrowed. This time she will fight to death if he ever touches her.

“What is this?” He asked. Taking all the barriers she placed in between the bed. Even if Lexie thought he was drop-dead gorgeous he is still crazy, who forces her to eat even if she doesn’t want to.

“I’m just lazy to explain to dumb people.” And put back her pillow barriers. She just hopes and prays he won’t get mad with her silly mouth.

“If you place all the pillows between us what are we going to use?” He asked climbing to the bed without his shirt. She groaned in frustration, he is clearly seducing her. She moves to the edge of the bed, that only half of her body is supported by the bed, the other half is hanging in the air.

“Stay away from me!” But Albert just shook his head ignoring her. He took a double turn to the book she was reading, it was Sun Tsu’s art of war. Even though he finds it boring, how can a girl entertain herself with that book, he then ordered books online.

“Love, you reading that book is kind of annoying, here, choose the books you like to read.” He gave him his phone. She shook her head, she won’t need it anyway. He browses it himself. He had a chance to move closer.

“Hmm I like this book’s cover, and I even like the title 'My husband is sexy', Oh there’s another one 'I love you, be my husband'.” His devious smile makes Lexie want to voluntarily bind her hand and offer herself to him.

But she controlled herself and gave him a blank expression and rolled her eyes and continued to read.