The "Why?" drama

She wandered on the street for several days until decently pawned the diamond earrings he gave her, She was able to buy a disguise, bought some meals and bus tickets back to the City. The first thing she did was contact her friend Marcus, and asked his help, so they planned to let her run away from the country.

But Lexie didn’t really think that Al would go as far as reaching out to her parents. When she reached home Al was already waiting for her to have tea with her parents which are very pissed and beyond angry. She was tempted to run away, but she’s worried about what he will do with her parents.

“Mommy, Daddy I’m back.” She said making herself stable and composed.

“Whose daughter are you? You traitor!.” Vigno Ma slapped her, she was slapped by her father for the things she didn’t do. Her tears started to roll down her face. She is so sad beyond ordinary. Vigno also was taken aback by what he did with his daughter, but it's too late and he can't say sorry.

“Vigno what are you doing? You were young once! Didn’t we elope because my parents didn’t want me to marry you?” Janelle scolded her husband and hugged Lexie.

“Don’t mind your father, I will support you okay, but sweetheart you didn’t have to keep it behind our backs.” Her parents carelessly misunderstood and believed the stranger, not her. He probably showed them the marriage certificate which would be solid proof of her betrayal. So hurt and so heartbroken, she ran out of the house without any particular place to go. She took a taxi and went around the town’s circle.

Finally, she got out of the car and sat on the fountain in front of a Mosque. She had this feeling that a sacred ground can ward away bad things. She sat and cried for hours until she realized someone sat next to her and offered her a handkerchief. She stared at that someone and it was Albert.

She felt trapped and suffocated that she cried so hard until she passed out.

She woke up in her room at home. His body is all over her, so she pushed him irritably, pushing away that heat that was building up in her body. She hit him, pulled his hair, and slap him, the only way for Albert to control her is to trap her body with his.

She is thirsty because of stress and plans to drink some water when her stomach grumbles.

“Hungry?” He was still pinning her down for several minutes, and just before her anger dissipated it flared back, she pushed his body that was tightly hugging her waist and he let her go after several struggles and she walked away from her room.

He followed her and made her a fluffy omelet and a strawberry flavored Ice tea. She ate it because she’s starving and she hated to waste food.

“Lexie, why do you hate me so much?” His voice is so low and so hurt, he only wants to love her so much.

"Why do you have to ask the obvious?" She doesn't think she needs to explain.

“I did vicious things for a living to survive, I am very manipulative and suffer from bad trauma but I never lied when I say I love you.” It’s as if he was hurt more than her.

“Wow!" she said, with a questioning face. In annoyance, she hit his chest very hard.

"You can say that to me but I can’t justify myself with my parents, that’s just too unfair.” She turned her head and walked out the door, leaving him no chance to react.

Her father personally packed her things for her and threw her outside their house. She knew her parents are hurting as much as she does, she promised one day that Albert May will have his retribution. Her palms clenched burying her nails in her skin.

She didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. Her father has closed and locked the door from the inside. She can only cry while the car was driving further and further away, she felt like a child abandoned by her parents and was put to adoption.

Due to extreme sadness, she fell asleep, her tears and snot mixed on his shoulders but Al didn’t mind. He instead kissed her forehead. How long has it been since they’ve met in that bar? Eight or ten months he can’t remember, all he knew was that he married her five months ago, she signed the contract in her bedroom.