"Hello pregnant lady, how's your day?" Mito held her hands gently and assisted her on the stairs.
"I'm very well thank you." Natalie answered with a smile, surprisingly everyone in her school treated her like she's the immaculate conception. Even the number ten dou and girls that hated her before, treats her nicely, it's like George created a force field to protect himself and his mother.
"Thank you son. I appreciate you helping mommy." She said while rubbing her now protruding belly. She had insisted to visit Lexie this weekend but all of a sudden change her mind and just wanted to be alone with her son. So she dialed Lexie's number.
It's busy she wond.ered who that woman is talking to.
On the other side Lexie is actually talking to Marcus. She is just done with her morning jog and she is sweaty all over but she doesn't want to disappoint him so she entertained the call.