Chapter 5

Chapter five


I was heading over to River's house when I heard it, the yelling. So I hid in the bushes and waited. I wanted to move closer to listen but I knew it would hurt River if she knew I had listened to her fight. She likes to stay positive. I hear an engine start and I jump up from the bushes on impulse. I thought he had taken her, but it was only him in the car when I looked in the window. I slowly walked around the corner as calmly as I could so River wouldn't know I was here.

"RIVER," I call out with a smile. I haven't seen her in forever, I'm so bored.

"Oakley, what are you doing here?"

I thought she would have been more excited to see me, "I'm here to see you!"


"Was that your Dad? Is he coming back? I'd like to meet him." Her cheeks turn pink.

"That was my Dad and no. He's not coming back," she said it so fiercely I was afraid she actually meant it, "How long were you waiting behind the bushes?"


"I saw you Oakley, don't try to lie to me."

"Oh," I thought she wouldn't see me, "I hid there when the yelling started."

"Really Oakley! Grammy I'm going with Oakley."

"Okay my Fiore di Fiume."

River walks over to me and grabs my arm and we walk on her trail into the woods. We walk for several minutes with her grip loosening as we walk and moving towards my hand. We finally arrive at an old cabin that seems to have been abandoned years ago.

"Oakley come here," River says, waving me over.

I walk over there and see initials carved into the wall of the cabin. "I wonder who's initials those are?" I smile at her.

She moves her hand over the marks, "There my parents initials," she smiles and moves her hand back to her side.

"Wow, I wonder how old this place is?"


I look at her and she seems concerned, "What?"

"My dad is going to come get me at thanksgiving break."