Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven


I wake up finally and I'm in Oakley's bed. What the hell happened? Did I? Did we?! Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod. I get up and hop out of the bed. Then I collapse on the floor. Seriously! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! I try to get up but my leg hurts too much. I pull up my shorts and there's a huge bandage up my thigh. Okay now it's not even funny, I desperately need answers to my questions. I hear footsteps outside the door.

"Help?" I call out, cause let's base it, there is nothing left for me to do.

Someone opens the door, and it's one of Oakley's smaller cousins.

"Hello?" A little girl no younger than five walks to me.

"Hi! What's your name?" The girl has a doll in her other hand.

"My name is Lilac and this is Poliwhirl. Why are you on the floor?"

"Cause I fell. Where's your cousin?"

"Which one?" oh, yeah. There are a million cousins here.


"Oh, she's outside helping my dad plow and mow."

"Ok, where's her mom?"

"In the kitchen!"

"Can you get her for me?"

"Why can't you?"

"Cause I'm hurt."

"Can I see?!"

She seems so excited, "sure," I pull up my shorts and show her.

"EW! That looks so gross," she smiles at me, "here!"

She moves her doll towards my leg and puts her face on my bandage, "All better!"

I smile at her, "Now that you've seen my booboo, do you understand?"

"Yeah, I'll go get aunt Holly," she and her doll wave goodbye.

A few minutes later Oakley's mom walks in with crutches. "How my new baby doin'?"

"Eh, my back and leg hurt."

"I'll get some pain killers for you then," she helps me up and I put the crutches under my arms, "Let's go into the kitchen."

"I haven't had to use crutches in a while."

"Really? You're pretty good at it. What happened?"

"I fractured my ankle at a soccer game."

"Oh, fractures hurt."

"Yeah," she has me sit on a chair at the kitchen table.

She pulls up my shorts and examines the bandage. Then she slowly takes it off.

"Oh! Look at all the gross," She shows me my leg. It's disgusting, "let's clean this up."

She grabs a bottle of rubbing alcohol and starts to walk to the bathroom. I hurry behind her and then sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"This is going to hurt," She starts to pour and it feels like hellfire.

"ARGH," I grip the side of the bathtub.

"I know, I know."

She finishes pouring and wipes my leg with a towel. She turns to the sink and opens the cabinet doors, and brings out her doctor bag.

"Let me see your back," I lift my shirt to show her.

"What happened?"

"The mayor's daughter attacked you and Oakley."


"No, his other one."

"He has another one?"

"Yes, she's younger. Her mom is the Mayor's late wife's sister. They took her in after her mom died, but she's not all there. She actually killed the Mayor's wife. They said she died from some illness, but with the head of police as your husband you tend to know the town a lot better than you want to."

"Oh," she finishes on my back and pats me on the shoulder.

"You're free to go. I do want to see you in a week though, and I'm not kidding. I'm going to give you some painkillers and replacement bandages for your back and leg. If you want to, you can visit Oakley, but she's somewhere out in the field. You'd have to find her."

"Can I take the go-cart?"

"Only if you feel up to it."


I start to sit up and then I remember my leg and grab my crutches. I head outside and realize how rough the gravel is. I begin to head inside when I notice a souped-out bike.

"Oh, and River," Oakley's mom is by the door, "There's a special bike outside for you."

"Okay! Thank you."

I grab the bike and hop on. There's a special place to put your crutches on here. It's cool. I wonder how many times Oakley's been on here. I go down the trail leading to the crop fields. They're planting their fall plants now. After about eight minutes I finally find her. She's wrapped her over shirt around her waist and you can see all her muscle under her tank top. Thank you, lord for the beautiful scenery.

"Well look who's up. How you feeling?"

"Rough. I was confused when I woke up in your bed."

"Yeah. You were exhausted," she chuckles then smiles, "So what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. Duh."

"Well I'm kinda busy."

"Can I help?"

"I don't know, maybe-"

"Let the girl work if she wants to," Oakley's uncle yells, "It won't hurt her!"

"Haha, Okay Uncle Joe!"

"What do you need help with?"