Chapter Thirteen

Chapter thirteen


I can't believe she said yes. I can't believe she said yes!! I grabbed my pillow off my bed and laugh screamed into it. I grabbed the invitation off my nightstand and looked at the invitation. You are invited to attend our Holiday Gala. Theme: Masquerade ball. Time: 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21. What am I going to wear? I could definitely make my own mask, Grammy could help me with a dress. Would I have to match with Oakley? Or does she already have something?


The party is tomorrow. Oh my god, and I'm going out with River Yellowstone. RIVER YELLOWSTONE!!! The girl that I've loved since I was four. Rowan used to tease me so much about this. If he were here he'd be fangirling with me. I have the perfect suit. River called me yesterday after dinner and asked if she needed to make something. I think she's more concerned about our outfits than anything else. But she's so excited, you could hear it in how high her voice was.


Oakley said she needed a mask so I'm making her's now. We're going to have

matching horns and everything we're going to be so cute. My dress is done, it goes with my mask. Grammy says we're going to be very elegant fantasy creatures. She gives me a sly smile and walks away. I look at the time and it's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. I have got to go to sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow.


My alarm clock goes off, and I punch the top of my alarm clock. I start to get up then I lay back down. I don't want to go to this party but River asked me out, so I have to. I finally hop out of bed and head to the kitchen. Lilac has snuck in again.

"Lilac! You are not supposed to be here!!"

"But I'm hungry! And everyone is sick!"

"Oh, okay I'll tell mama. Now shoo."

She runs off and I grab a granola bar and inhale it. The doorbell rings and I run to the door. There's a box on the front porch. I look toward the zip line and see River. She smiles at me and I smile back at her. I open the box and pull out the tissue paper. A beautiful black mask with horns and flowers is in my hands. I look back towards River and yell thank you. I will keep this forever.


I've finished Oakley's mask and dropped it off at her house. I hear her yell thank you on my way home. I can tell she loves it. I get back inside and Grammy is sitting at the table.

"I made your favorite! Salad with Chicken tacos and stuffed garlic bread!"

"GRAMMY! Thank you!"

I sit down with Grammy and eat dinner. Then I help Grammy clean up and take a shower. I can't wait for tomorrow.