CHAPTER TWO: Hate at First Sight

The class was already in session when Natasha arrived. She ran past the bald old man who was putting down some notes on the board—trying not to get noticed as she sneaked past him. Hurried to an empty seat at the back, but then stopped midway into the classroom when she heard her name called from the front. All eyes immediately fell on her.

She slowly turned—chest throbbing within her chest, and her eyes cast a guilty gleam on the old instructor whom she found still scribbling away on the board, too busy to glance backward. Natasha remained still, nervous from the sea of eyes watching behind. Rubbed her fingers together while she waited.

He spun to face her, his fierce gaze piercing through her. “You’re late---”

The tiny lens that sat on his pointy nose moved as he spoke.

“I’m sorry sir, but----” she didn’t allow him to finish.

“---again.” he completed his sentence, shutting her up.

Dr. Legolas, an old science teacher known to be a disciplinarian who compels fear and obedience from his students. He always preferred to leave his lens suspended at the tip of his nose. His little white moustache made him look much older and wiser.

Natasha’s eyes moved from Dr. Legolas and settled on the faces of her colleagues. Their intimidating gazes were fixed on her. She flushed and looked down. Looking up at Legolas, she could tell he wasn’t too happy about her barging into his class without prior permission.

She breathed; eyes fixed on him, trying to look pitiful. “I’m sorry.”

He looked at her with scorn. She could tell that her apology did more harm than good. “Meet me in my office after school,” he said almost immediately. “Now go take a seat!” he spoke harshly, slightly raising his voice.

Natasha woozily walked down and took an empty stool behind. Placing her bag and notepad on the table before her, she took out her books sluggishly as if she’d been drained of her strength.

Glancing around, she noticed that her colleagues were still staring at her. Flushed with embarrassment. Her pen dropped, and she bent to pick it. Her elbow nudged against someone sitting right next to her.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Her brows furrowed when her gaze found the guy that had bumped into her earlier. Rosy-cheeked, she swallowed hard at the thought of him witnessing her earlier drama with Legolas.

But when she looked at him, he didn’t appear as though he’d noticed that someone had hit him. Maybe he knew, but just didn’t think she was worth the attention. He fixed his gaze on Dr. Legolas in prompt attention to whatever he was saying.

Natasha sat in awkward silence, recollecting the event that’d happened just a while ago. Although still upset about her phone, she realised that bumping into him was totally her fault. If she hadn’t been looking at her phone, maybe they wouldn’t have bumped into each other. Another wave of embarrassment washed over her as she remembered the cruel words she’d said to him—he didn’t deserve that.

Carefully rehearsing words of apology in her head, she whirled to face him. A feeling of restiveness grew within her, but she kicked against it. Pushing aside a few strands of hairs that’d covered her face, she mustered some courage to talk to him.

“Hey, I’m sorry about what happened earlier. Bumping into you was an accident and totally my fault. I know I acted so rude and unreasonable right after, so I just want to…” her voice drifted off when she noticed he wasn’t even listening.

He wasn’t paying her any attention. She could’ve sworn he’d heard her apologies, but he kept a straight face, gazing at Legolas with an unwavering attention, pretending not to see her. Natasha flushed, feeling totally humiliated and retarded. She awkwardly turned to look up straight.

Ah!! She screamed aloud in her head, clutching her fingers in a tight fist.

What is wrong with me? She was hard on herself for apologizing. Just when I swallowed my pride and apologize, this is how I get treated. I knew I never should have apologized. She berated herself, slamming her hands on the table.

A test tube sitting on the lab table spilled over and rolled to the edge. She gasped as it fell from the table onto the ground, but then he swiftly caught it in mid-air just before it hit the ground.

Gently placing it back on the table, he returned his attention to Legolas without uttering a word. Not even a glance at her. It felt like he was putting in so much effort to pretend she wasn’t sitting right next to him. Is it just her, or is he like that with everyone else?

She sat staring at the test tube which he’d placed right in front of her, then her eyes fell on him. She stared in admiration at his built, muscular body and broad shoulder. Muscle rippled across every part of his body. He was obviously a seasoned warrior.

Couldn’t stop herself from looking. She’d never seen a man with those features, but she knew, without doubt, that he was definitely not from around here. Her eyes slowly travelled from his hard, muscular arm up to his chiselled face, until both their eyes met.

Gasping, she spun to look away. Watching nervously from the side of her eyes, she saw he was also watching. She gave him a sidelong glance, and he turned away gruffly with a beady glare, returning his gaze to Legolas. Now she knew he was doing this on purpose. She felt like an idiot. No one has ever made her feel this stupid. She let out a frustrating groan inside her head, biting her lower lip.

What’s with this guy?

Natasha closed the door right after coming out of Dr. Legolas’s office. The dour look on her face showed the meeting didn’t go so well for her. She found Madelia and Dreda waiting across the road opposite Legolas’ offices. She walked to them, and together they started walking down the school road.

“What did you do this time that landed you in Legolas’ office?” Dreda inquired with an arched eyebrow.

“I simply walked into the class without his permission and now he’s making me feel as though I’d committed the worst offense.”

“You did that?” Madelia blinked, clearly surprised. “What on earth would make you do such a thing?”

“Seriously,” Dreda chimed in. “What did he do to you? Did he ask you to come with your dad to school or something?”

“I kinda wished he did.” a frown spread across her face. “Can’t believe he placed me on detention for a month. I mean, that’s way too much punishment for what I did,” she complained, sounding pissed.

“Keep your manners in cheek, girl, he said,” Natasha said in Legolas’ voices. “Or else the next time you try something like that you wouldn’t be here in my office. We’ll be having this conversation with the principal.”

Madelia laughed out loud. “You are lucky you weren’t suspended for a month, or worst, banned from ever entering his class. Dr. Legolas is an overly serious teacher. Little misbehaviour offends him.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.” she beamed. “Hey, did I mention the new guy was also in the chemistry class earlier?”

“Cool!” Dreda squeaked. “Did you try to talk to him, to apologize or something?”

“The guy is just a douchebag.” Her smiles faltered when she recalled what had transpired. “If any girl should fall for such maniac of a guy, then I’m going to say in all sincerity that she’s lost her senses”

She slouched, momentarily confused. “Why? What happened?”

“Oh no,” Dreda didn’t give her the chance to answer. “You did not screw up your only chance to apologise, did you?”

“I tried to apologise, but guess what?” she scoffed. “He rubbed it in my face. He just ignored me totally and pretended like I wasn’t even sitting right next to him.” she tattled, letting out a frustrating grunt. “I’m never going to apologize that way to anyone ever again… not to him or anyone else. Seriously, that guy is bad news.”

Madelia tapped her shoulder. “Relax, girl, he’s just a new guy. Maybe as time goes, you’d get to know and understand him better.”

“Well, I know something that could cheer you up.” Dreda cuts in.

“What’s that?” they all turned to her.

Dreda gestured towards the volleyball pitch.

“Volleyball? No way!” Natasha quickly declined. “I’m in no mood to play volleyball right now.”

“Come on, it’s going to be fun.” she cajoled.

“Maybe some other time, Dreda.”

“Speaking of the new guy,” Madelia drew their attention. “He’s sitting right over there on the volleyball court.”

They looked in the direction of the volleyball court. Saw him leaning on an empty seat, watching an ongoing game being played on the pitch.

Natasha’s lips curved into a blissful smile. “Let’s play volleyball.”

* * * *

“Um… Tasha?” Dreda called out to her right after hitting the ball to her opponent’s court.

“What?” Natasha answered, trying to keep her head in the game so she wouldn’t miss the ball.

“Don’t you think you’re overdoing it a bit?” she pointed out. “It appears as though you’re playing to impress this guy.”

“Yeah, I noticed too.” Madelia added, “I’ve never seen Natasha this sleek and agile since… never.”

“What? No! Of course not.” she said in her defence—smiling awkwardly.

She became so distracted that she didn’t see the ball which had been tossed at her.

“Ahh!” Natasha exclaimed right after the ball fell on her chest, before hitting the court, automatically giving her opponent the lead score in the game.

Then the ball rolled off the court toward the new guy. They all stopped to watch. Only a few inches away, he stopped the ball with his foot and bent to pick it. Then he sauntered towards them, eyes fixed on Natasha. The girls remain quiet as he edged towards them.

Standing over Tasha, he stared into her eyes in a way that made her feel nervous and intimidated. He stood only a few inches from her, holding the ball in his hands with a straight face, gazing ferociously at her as though his eyes were meant to cause her harm.

Natasha glanced up at his face, staring at his refulgent, wet eyes. His face gave no clue of his mood. Standing this close to him made her heart raced. She didn’t know what to expect. But then, it struck Natasha that perhaps he had only just realize his mistakes and had come to apologize. The voices in her head told her to say something—anything at all.

She put all thoughts aside and focused on what she was going to say if he apologizes. Before she could utter a word, he stretched his hands to give her the ball. Natasha placed her hands over the ball to take it from him, but he wouldn’t let go. He had a firm grip on the ball, like he didn’t want to let go. She looked up at his face, perplexed. She saw a glimmer in his eyes.

Her eyes darted in all directions as she watched him drew nearer, leaning forward as if he was going to kiss her. Madelia’s eyes grew wide. Then his fiery breath poured over her tender ear as he whispered to her.

“Stay away from me.”

Those words, so calm, yet threatening, sent cold chills traveling down the length of her spine, causing her entire body to shiver. He released the ball into her possession, then walked away.

Tasha stood there, rooted to the ground, not believing what he’d just said to her. Her eyes flushed. She didn’t move an inch until after he’d left the court. Even after he left, she still felt the gaze of everyone on her. Her friends just stood there, watching with their mouths hanging open. His whisper must have been really loud.

Madelia, standing a few inches away, gasped. “That did not just happen.”