Reficul and Lucinda lay in the stables on the bails of hay. A red haired girl with blue eyes, and a young male with black hair and eyes like coal.

He looked down on her. ‘I love you Luc. Before we go to the next stage I’d like to show you something.’


‘Promise me you won’t scream, and you won’t run.’

‘I promise. I love you Reficul, what ever you look like.’

He smiled, his eyes blazed with fires, horns peered out of the side of his head. His head and features changing to that of the ram. His flamed eyes still burning, his tail swaying left to right.

She looked at him unsure of what to say.

‘Will you still love me like this?’

She placed her hands on his face. ‘I’ll always love you Reficul.’

‘Call me Satan.’

‘I love you.’ She said pulling him closer to her. ‘Kiss me Satan. Make me yours.’

He smiled before placing his lips on hers kissing her.

Alena’s eyes shot open. Sweat perspired down her body. She pulled herself up carefully so not to wake Exodus. She slipped her feet into her slims and slipped out of the flat with her cigarettes and lighter in her pocket.

She sat on the bench only feet away from the club lighting a cigarette, smoking it nervously.

A shadow cowered over hers sitting besides her. ‘Why did you leave the flat so early this morning?’

She turned looking into Exodus’s icicle blue eyes. ‘I needed air.’

‘What you thinking about angel?’

‘Who’s Reficul?’


‘Who’s Lucifer?’

‘Do you know your father?’

‘No, not really. He died before I was born. All I know was that Mom fell in love with him. She called him the Devil.’

‘Satan, Lucifer Latin for Devil. Everyone here called him Reficul.’

‘What happened to him?’

‘He fell in love.’

‘Well obviously, but what happened?’

Exodus looked into Alena’s eyes. ‘He met her about twenty years ago, she fell for him. They used to meet on the line that separated this city from the next. He fell so in love with her, so much he’d forgotten who he was, and what the city’s people were like.

He was my best friend, he told me the night before they took his life he was going to tell her everything. I begged him not to. But he insisted on showing her the real him.

I really thought it was a bad idea and she might tell the others. He said it was a chance he was willing to take, he loved her and that was all that mattered. He wasn’t going to loose her to them. He was going to tell her the following night despite of my warnings, and my plea for him to reconsider.’

‘The night he died.’

‘Yes. I heard shots, and screaming. Then they came for us crossing over the line. We attacked and lost.’

‘Why didn’t my father come back with you? Why didn’t he rise from the dead with you?’

‘He wasn’t killed here. He was killed across the line. I’m sorry.’

She looked at Exodus into his eyes, solemnly. ‘He told her.’

‘How do you..’



‘I saw it before I woke. They were in a stable. He showed her his true form. She didn’t seem scared, it seemed to make her want him more. They kissed and I woke.’


‘Was he like you?’

‘Yes. We were all the same. We were friends together till the end.’

She smiled.

Exodus placed his hand on her face. ‘He’d have been proud of you. He’d love you just as he loved your mother. Like I do.’


He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.