‘Why are you wearing that smile on your face Bro?’

‘Just say good things come to those that wait.’

‘What’s she given you that she already hasn’t?’ Zephyr joked.

‘It’s not what she’s given me. It’s what Reficul has.’

‘Come again!’ Zephyr said looking confused.

‘She’s one of us Bro.’

‘A devil. Yeah I know already.’

‘No a demon.’

‘Really.’ Zephyr smiled, impressed.

‘She has agreed to lure in the punters, so you can drop that force field from round your who ever.’


‘Yeah her. You probably got your own way with her didn’t you?’

He smiled.

‘Good. We’ll need her too. Two demons are better than one.’

Tragen walked into the club. ‘Hey guys what’s going on?’ He asked looking at the two brothers.

‘X seems to think the two girls would be a good asset to the club, by luring in punters.’

‘Get their friend in on it too. She’s awake now.’

‘He kept her?’

‘Yeah the feisty redhead, pure too.’

‘Not anymore she’s not.’

‘You dirty dog.’

‘All in a bad night’s work.’ He joked.

‘Well the three of them it is. The boys are going to like them. Like them a lot.

They all smiled evilly.

’You get Red, we’ll get Angel and Stacey.’


Alana closed the door to the club stepping onto the city streets. She turned walking away from the club wondering where Zephyr was hiding Stacey. She knew that he wouldn’t take her back to the cottage it would be to easy for her to find Stacey there. She had to be somewhere else, but where?

Alena walked down the long city street, passing the cottage. She knew he’d have hid her somewhere further out than there so Alena couldn’t get to her. She continued walking.

A lodge stood in the darkness of the many trees, Alena walked over to the lodge hoping that she’d find Stacey in there, and alive.

She pushed the door handle own, pushing it open she stepped into the lodge closing the door, looking round at the immaculate lodgings. Did Zephyr really live here it was so different than the cottage.

She continued walking through the fully furnished living space taking the banister, pulling herself up each and every step to the first floor. She looked round three of the four doors were open leading to the bathroom, and two small bedrooms, on looked like a study.

She walked over to the closed door of the final room turning the handle pushing the door open. She walked into the room Stacy stood imprisoned in a force field. ‘Stacy.’

Alena walked over to Stacey placing her hand out, it shot back. ‘Shit.’ How was she going to get Stacey out of there? She was still imprisoned in whatever Zephyr had put her in the day that they had tried to escape and failed. Would today be any different?

She had to break it and fast if they had any chance of escape.

Alena looked directly into Stacey’s eyes. She stared into them her eyes fixed on Stacey’s glazed ones. Flamed shone through Alena’s eyes, her hair sparkled.


The flames disappeared leaving the bright blue colour of Alena’s eyes. She placed her hand on Stacey. It didn’t shoot back this time. ‘Stac.’

‘How did you?’

‘No questions Stac. We’ve gotta get out of here.’ She said taking Stacey’s hand.


‘You have no idea what they’re planning to do.’


‘They want us to lure in potentials so they can slaughter them. And if Zephyr has taken you he will expect you to do it too. Come on.’ Alena turned looking straight into Exodus’s iced blue eyes speechless.

‘So you told her the good news then? Guess that just leaves one.’

Alena glared at him spaced. She had no idea what he was talking about all her friends were dead.

‘I guess you were coming to find us?’

‘Urgh, urgh. Yeah.’

‘Good.’ He smiled.

‘How did she? I thought you said she wouldn’t. No couldn’t break it.’

‘Guess she’s more powerful than we first anticipated. Saves you doing it though.’

Exodus took Alena’s hand, Zephyr Stacey’s breaking their in-twynment. Leading them out of the room and out of the lodge. ‘Come we’ve got to meet Tragen, and your friend.’

‘All our friends are dead.’

‘All but one.’


‘I think Tragen has a spark for her. Think yourselves lucky that one, and only one of your friends are alive.’

They all walked over to the circle where Tragen and Helena were waiting. Alena and Stacey’s hands dropped from Exodus’s and Zephyr’s as they ran over to Helena.



‘Alena, Stacey.’

They hugged.

The guys coughed breaking their safety. Their arms dropped from round the other.

‘Now the school reunion is over.’

The three friends looked over at the three males that had imprisoned them in this city of death. Unimpressed. Holding tightly onto each other. ‘What do you want from us?’

‘Same as I asked of Alena. A little help bringing the punters in.’

‘Why can’t you do that yourselves?’

‘We don’t deal with males. Only females. How do you think you and your friends ended up here. Coincidence?’

‘Well yeah.’

‘Wrong.’ Exodus looked at all three friends who were now clinching tightly onto one another. ‘We brought you here.’


‘Do this for us and you will be rewarded gratefully.’

‘I bet we will.’

‘Come on babe you agreed.’

‘I know, but now you’re bringing my friends into it’

‘You’re all the same, well it’s in your blood any way. You don’t have to kill anyone, that’s unless you prefer.’

‘We’ll leave that up to you thanks.’

‘So are you in?’

‘Yeah.’ Alena sighed.


‘Trust me okay. We’ve got to survive out here. If we say no we’ll be joining the others, do you really want that?’


Alena looked at Exodus and the others. ‘Okay. We’ll do it.’

He smiled. ‘Good. Now you can drop hands. You begin tonight nine o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.’

‘We won’t.’

Alena looked at Stacey and Helena. ‘It’ll be okay.’

Exodus took Alena’s hand. ‘Make sure they know exactly what to do.’

Zephyr and Tragen nodded.

Exodus led Alena away.

‘Come on babe.’ Zephyr said taking Stacey’s hand. He looked at Tragen. ‘Later.’

Tragen smiled as Zephyr led Stacey away.

‘Well.’ Tragen said walking forward. ‘So your name’s Helena?’



He pulled her close placing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.