Alena sat on the bench in the forest. She often went there when the club was quiet.

Damien sat besides her. ‘So how you doing Sis?’

‘I’m fine.’ She replied looking at him. ‘If they know that you are here they’ll kill you.’

‘I do not care for them. Only you.’ He replied moving her hair from her neckline kissing it.

‘Don’t Damien, I’m with X.’

‘So. That didn’t stop you last night.’ He said kissing it once again.


‘So what are you doing out here all alone?’

‘The club’s quiet. You?’ she said looking directly into his dark eyes.

‘To stay away from your friends.’ He said guiding his hand down her face. ‘But I could hardly stay away from you could I?’

He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her, she returned his kiss foolishly.

He moved away and smiled. ‘You see this X isn’t that important to you that you kiss your own brother.’

‘Don’t twist things Damien. I don’t even know if you are my brother.’