Damien guided his hand down Alena’s face. She slowly opened her eyes. ‘Where am I?’


‘With you? I doubt that very much.’

‘Come on Al, brother and sister reunited. Sibling rivalry.’

‘What do you want from me?’

‘The same thing that I’ve always wanted. This place, everything, and you to stand by my side.’

‘No way. You came here and you destroyed it. They kill to live you kill for pure pleasure.’

‘And you?’

‘Some people deserve to die.’

‘Exactly.’ He said guiding his hand down her face again.

‘You don’t belong here.’

‘Neither do you.’

Alena looked at Damien lost for words. What had started as a night out came her life of fear and death, learning to adapt to their ways for her and her friends survival.

‘I know you Alena. You don’t want to be here, and neither do your friends.’

‘I learn to live with my decision for X.’

‘Oh the dead demon guy.’

‘He’s alive!’