Robyn stepped outside the club it had been a busy night she lit a cigarette smoking looking around the city. It was so quiet tonight unlike any other night though the club was busy. It was quiet out here, it was usually thriving with teenagers smoking and getting up to stuff they shouldn’t be.

‘On your own sweetheart?’

She looked up dropping her cigarette. The dark figure coming towards her she went for the door he placed his hand on it, his dark eyes glowed in hers. ‘Going so soon?’

‘I have to get back to work .’

‘I’ll wait here for you then.’


‘I’ll wait here you best be getting back in hadn’t you.’

‘I guess.’

He moved his hand she walked in his eyes followed her.

‘You okay Robyn you're not due back from your break yet.’

‘I know it was too cold out.’ She lied.


‘Come on girls it’s time to go back on.’

‘Come on Robyn.’