Reficul placed his hand over Lia’s mouth. ‘Are you alone?’

She shook her head.

‘Where are they?’

She pointed over to the city.

‘Come on we can talk. I know somewhere then you can tell me everything.’

He took his hand off her mouth taking her hand leading her away, too scared to speak she just followed.

He closed the door to the cottage pulling her down onto the sofa he looked as old as X who was this guy?

‘Who’s with you?’

‘My friends.’

‘Anyone else?’

‘Yeah Conrad and his friends.’

‘That it.’

She looked at him.

‘That it?’


‘If your lying.’

‘I’m not.’

‘I’m Reficul and you are?’


‘Well Lia I am surprised to say the least. I never thought anyone would come back here after she burnt it to the ground and I’m surprised Damien is not here.’


‘They were good together them two. Maybe I should’ve kept the truth to myself then maybe this place would be alive again how it was supposed to be.’