Chapter 26-Wasteland AdanLashey


Present time


Present time

She knew she was frightened when those old fears run through her head, when she recalled the taunting conversation of years past, her meeting with Joe and Dave when she was a skinny teenager and alone. She knew she was terrified when those memories cut loose their chains and seize her confidence, destroying the person she has built since those dark days. She wishes she could remember what Dave asked him to remember ages ago.

The apprehension comes most when she was tired and no other alternatives than to relinquished her deepest memories, and yet overwhelmed by the time she craves it most. So when her thoughts plummet into that chasm and the rope ladders burn, she put down her strengths, and curl up where it was dark and warm. She reckoned maybe her hopes were gone however, she was waiting for those memories to come back.