Chapter 80

Without a doubt, the Tempest Wolf was talking about that thing that sent a certain Young Wolf falling into that swamp-themed area. And based on how the Tempest Wolf describes that said spot, it seemed like there were quite a number of those things spread around that place.

'So, there’s something like that here, huh? But in that case, why don’t we just make use of those things to escape from here?'

“Because it’s… dangerous…” The Lightning Wolf immediately answered.

Nodding at that, the Tempest Wolf added, “Although it can transport creatures to just one particular area, that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone who uses it will get transported to a single spot. And considering all the dangers that are present on its targeted destination, being transported in random spots on that place can even determine one’s life or death. In short, using those things carries a huge risk and that is something that we can’t afford to deal with now.”