
Days passed with Erica trying to heed Luna's words and forget about Victor.

/He's only the best in this school. Beyond it, he's just another fish in the sea./ Erica repeatedly reminded herself every time she caught sight of him, which was considerably often.

However, her ill feelings towards Rina remained.

What made matters worse was that Erica felt as if she was being taunted everyday. Everywhere she went, there would be news or gossip about Rina. Whether it was about her kind act for the day, her beauty, her gentleness, or how she got saved yet again.

/What's so good about a damsel in distress? Does she even try to solve any of the issues herself? Some of the problems were even created because she was kind to people who held ill intentions towards her./ Erica was plugged with thoughts like these. She hated weak people who did nothing but cause trouble to the people around the most.

Her feelings were related to her family's upbringing. While the three siblings were put through the wringer to hone their talents, it was inculcated into them to never succeed by relying on others but their own ability. This way, they could hold their heads up high and be proud of who they are. Otherwise, they would be put at the mercy of many whom they were reliant on.

Eventually, the day came when Erica would come across Rina herself.

Rina was cornered by a group of girls and boys in a more remote part of the school. The group was obviously finding trouble with her.

It could only be said that it was fate that made their paths cross. Erica hardly passes by this area and only did so today because she was on an errand that was tasked to her by a teacher.

Watching the scene unfold before her, Erica decided to wait by the side and observe. She was willing to give Rina a chance to correct her judgement of her.

Erica hauled herself up onto a nearby tree effortlessly. Hiding among the leaves, she sat down comfortably on a large branch. /A pity that I do not have any popcorn to eat./

"How can there be someone as pure as you. I refuse to believe that such a person exists in this wretched world." The girl who spoke seemed to be the leader of the group. She was standing at the front of the group like an alpha in a pack.

"Today's the day when we will reveal your true face." She spat.

The 2 boys stayed on the lookout while the girls tried different ways to taunt Rina into retaliating. They verbally abused her and handled her very roughly.

Erica could tell that they were careful in not leaving behind evidence so that they could profess their innocence even if Rina snitched on them later. They have pushed, shoved, slapped, and pulled Rina's hair but none had left a mark on her.

For the entire time, Rina shut her eyes tightly and pursed her lips. She tightly gripped onto her skirt and refused to raise a hand against them.

The girls gradually grew frustrated that she was not letting up. They called the boys to take over the bullying, while the girls became the lookout.

The boys sexually harassed Rina by putting their arms around her, stroking her face, and whispering in her ear the things that they would love to do to her. Seeing that she was not reacting to them, the boys became more daring in their actions. They reached for her inner thighs and approached her breasts.

Although put in such an intimidating situation, Rina still did not let out a peep nor try to fight back. Her face only became flushed with tears flowing down her face, and she trembled like a leaf.

Erica could not understand why Rina would put up with such humiliation. If it was Erica, she would rather die than be humiliated this way. She wanted to see to what extent would Rina tolerate things before finally making an attempt to change the situation.

The vulnerable image of Rina caused the boys' hearts to waver. They concluded that she was not going to fight back at all. It roused their pity and protectiveness.

"Hey... I don't think she is as you said... Is there a misunderstanding somewhere?"

"Yeah, where did you see her behaving haughty again? And who told you all those stories of her private life again?"

Their leader lost all her cool. "Shut up! You can't even accomplish something so simple and you're so easily won over. Don't you see how she just made you like her?!"

The boys' faces lit up in realisation. /Just how insidious is this girl?/

"You're all wimps! Back off!" The leader barked out.

The boys shrunk their heads back in shame and retreated behind Rina.

The leader had a dangerous glint in her eyes as she approached Rina slowly. She was peeved about how easily it took Rina to buy over the boys. She roughly grabbed Rina's face with one hand. "Aren't you happy that your face gets you anything you want?" She then flung her hand down and Rina's head turned in the same direction with the force she did it at.

"Want me to prove that it's your face that's your fortune?" The leader slowly pulled out a familiar labelled bottle of clear liquid from her bag. Everyone immediately recognised it as the acid used for experiments in their Chemistry Laboratory.

"Woah, how did you get that?" One of the boys asked in shock. Students were not allowed to bring chemicals out of the laboratory.

"It's easy to smuggle it out. It's not as if no one does it. Good people, good students... All those are just lies. It's only a matter of where their transgressions lie in their life." The leader dismissively replied while looking meaningfully at Rina.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" One of the other girls softly spoke up.

"Do you remember that we don't want to leave any evidence behind that could lead back to us?" Another girl reminded.

"I no longer care. Such privileged girls angers me to no end. I'm prepared to die. I shall drag her down with me to hell. Feel free to leave if you're scared."

Everyone looked at each other but none left. They were feeling powerful at the moment.

The leader opened the bottle and gently swayed it in front of Rina's face. She smirked in Rina's face. "Let's see what you can get when this pretty face of yours is ruined."

Erica almost laughed aloud at this point. /Looks like someone else shares the same sentiments as me./

Rina's eyes bulged in fear. She knew that she was in serious danger now, so she tried to run away. She was able to tolerate something as long as its mark on her body would go off. What she was scared of were injuries that would never heal properly.

"Hold her still!" The boys reacted to the order instinctively and each of them held on to one arm.

Rina started struggling desperately and pleading for mercy.

"Hey!" Erica's firm and authoritative voice rang out.

Erica's sudden interruption caused the leader to jump in fright and some of the acid spilled onto Rina's exposed arm.

Rina cried out in pain.

While everyone looked around for the source of the voice, Erica jumped down from the tree.

"Having fun? What a pity that I have to stop it now. Get lost before you get hurt." Erica smiled sweetly.

"Are you her friend?" The leader asked.

"Oh, please, I'm far from that. It's just unlucky for you today because my conscience will be cleared with this. Perhaps you could try getting her again another day?" Erica shrugged.

"Back off then. Clear your conscience with some other person. I have some beef with this girl to settle." The leader said through gritted teeth.

"Did you just give me an order?" An evil glint flashed in Erica's eyes. "No one orders me around." She proceeded on to thrash them badly. Their numbers could not beat the years of practice in martial arts that the three siblings were put through.

After releasing her pent up anger and frustration, she threatened with a sweet smile on her face, "Continue to stay here and I'll introduce you to a world of pain brought about by my new invention. I'm really proud of it, you know? An acid that gives you intense pain but leaves you alive."

The group felt thoroughly freaked out. Erica currently looked like a death angel to them. They yelled while they backed off in fear. "Your family will face the consequences of this!"

"Is that so? Come by the Lee family's house then!" She waved at them happily.

They paled and ran off. The Lee family was not a family they could afford to offend. They were mere small families in the bottom rung of the high society. They could only bully other similarly ranked families when they banded together. Rina was an example of someone they could afford to bully.

Erica heard Rina whimpering in pain and turned back to look down at her. She felt like Rina was really weak. Luna had tolerated pain that was a thousand and more times worse than what she was experiencing. A look of disdain appeared on her face. "Why didn't you try to fight back?"

Rina was surprised by the sudden question but obediently answered. "They had grievances based off misunderstandings. It's not their fault that they tried acting out of justice."

"Not their fault? What are you? Messiah?"

"It's human to make mistakes. You don't have to be messiah to see and forgive that."

"You're wrong. Being as forgiving as you are, you can only be trying to be Messiah. You can be one for all I care. What can't understand is how you let everyone else clean up your shit and save you each time."

"I didn't mean for things to be like that, I didn't ask to be saved. I only ever asked perpetrators to have mercy!" Rina's tears flowed freely again.

Just then, Victor arrived to see scowling Erica looking down on a crying Rina who was sitting on the ground. He had been held up by several urgent tasks from just one person. Finding it unusual, he shrugged the person off and rushed to find Rina.

Erica found herself roughly yanked away from Rina.

"What the fuck did you do?" Victor growled while keeping himself between the two girls.

Erica squinted at him with hate then looked at Rina. "Aren't you going to explain? Or are you planning to sit back, relax, and cry?"

Rina's shoulders jumped at Erica's harsh tone. "Victor... She really did not do anything to me. In fact, she helped to save me from the bullies."

"Lies! She told you to say that, didn't she?! Look at you!" It did not take long for him to notice the burn mark on her fair arm when he scanned her body for injuries. He turned towards Erica ready to lunge at her. Suddenly, he felt his arm being held back.

"Victor! I'm not lying! This injury was caused by the bullies, not her! Can we just leave now, please?"

Victor looked conflicted and stared at Rina. He took a deep breath then threatened Erica without looking at her. "Show yourself in front of me again and I'll rip your throat out."

Erica was flabbergasted at how idiotic this couple was. She felt glad that she fell out of love with such a man. "Useless as always." Erica spat out before leaving them in the alley.

Rina winced as she knew that it was directed at her.

Nobody noticed a shadow slinking back and leaving the scene as well.

Lucas had been observing the situation the whole time. He would have stepped in much earlier but noticed Erica on the tree. Before he made a move, he wanted to ascertain what Erica was there for. When he saw that the situation turned dire, Erica had stepped in just when he wanted to do so as well.

After witnessing everything, he determined that Erica was not a foe but she was not their friend either.

At the end of the day, Erica sat in the car silent and brooding. Her mood was in the dumps. /Since you already hate me this much, how about I give you a real reason to hate me for?/

At this moment, a chill was went down Luna's spine. She instinctively turned to look at Erica's unhappy face then frowned. What happened now?

Roughly a week later, the three siblings were lounging in the living room together when Luna tried to probe Erica for some details.

"Say... Did the both of you hear about the simultaneous collapse of several families?"

"Hm? Of course. But what about it? They're just some small families. If not for the fact that they happened simultaneously, I don't think they'd even be talked about in our school." Desmond replied.

Luna raised an eyebrow while looking at Erica.

Erica knew that it was a prompt by Luna to share whatever she knew, which she did. Besides, she was not someone who kept secrets from her siblings if they asked directly.

After recounting everything that happened that day, she shared her opinion on the matter, "I refuse to believe that it's Victor behind this. He's too dumb and straightforward."

"It's probably Lucas." Luna softly said.

Desmond and Erica looked at her with surprise. "Why would you say that?" The both of them voiced their doubts at the same time.

"Lucas likes Rina and protects her well. Moreover, he did not appear in the library for the past one week. And when he finally returned, this news were passing around. It's timed too well for it to be a mere coincidence."

Desmond and Erica nodded along as they listened to her explanation.

"Erica... You aren't planning anything again, are you?"

Erica sulked.

Desmond tried to negotiate a little. "They still did her wrong though. Erica wasted her energy saving a piece of trash only to get accused for being the bully. What do you think about helping her to get her revenge instead?" Desmond puffed up his chest and grinned.

"... It's better not to." Luna said flatly.

"Ah... I should have known." Desmond laughed weakly, looking deflated along with Erica.

"It's highly frustrating that this happened to Erica. But there's Lucas... We really shouldn't underestimate him."

Luna placed her hand on Erica's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Erica, those two are swines and should simply be avoided and left alone. They're beneath you, beneath us."

Desmond's heart swelled with pride upon hearing Luna's words.

Erica quietly nodded and bit onto her lower lip in dissatisfaction.