Who Are You

When Luna regained consciousness, she blinked her eyes slowly several times. Her mind felt a little foggy and her body felt incredibly light. This weightless feeling was a little unnerving but nice at the same time.

She saw an endless stretch of darkness in front of her that could have made the fears of any claustrophobic person act up. If not for the faint glow of her body, she would have doubted if her eyes were even open.

/This... Looks like I'm finally dead huh…/

[For the moment you are.] A very deep voice suddenly reverberated through the entire area and her core.

Her shoulders jumped in shock and she looked around repeatedly but could not find the source of the voice.

[Do you wish to live?] The same deep voice asked her.

Luna remained speechless for a while. /Is this God?/

Before she could ask anything, he replied.

[No, but I am an entity beyond your understanding. You may think of me however you'd like. Now, answer the question, do you wish to live?]

"... No?"

[... You wish to die then?]

"... Not exactly either."

A long silence dragged out. Just as Luna wondered if she was left alone to float here forever, the voice spoke again. [What do you want then?]

"I don't know. Nothing?" Luna answered easily.

[You didn't even hesitate?! There has to be something that you want. Think about it then answer me again!] The voice cracked a little in its exasperation revealing a tiny immaturity behind the voice.

[To think I was told that this would be the easiest part to handle about hosts...] The voice softly grumbled.

Luna slightly raised an eyebrow then obediently did as she was told. She had spent her entire life trying to be the person her family could be proud of. The only desires she remember having were always related to her family and their happiness.

"Make my family happy." Luna suggested.

[So you want to live then!]

"No. I mean, could you erase my family's memories of me?"

[What? I can't do that.]

"Oh. Nevermind then." Luna knew that she was shooting in the dark anyway. After a long dragged out silence, she asked, "Do I really have to think of something?"

[Yes!] The entity was clearly frustrated with her now.

"I guess I want to know what's going to happen to me now?"

[... So you crave knowledge?]

Deciding to leap on to this excuse, she simply nodded her head to agree with him.

[How interesting! You're like us!] The voice no longer sounded deep and powerful but young and immature. It made Luna's eyes go round in surprise.

[Hm. I guess that'd explain why the standard greeting we were taught to use didn't work on you. In that case, let's get down to business! I'm a system and you're my host.] The voice now sounded lively and enthusiastic.

/System? Host?/ These questions popped in her head while the being that called itself a system rambled on.

[When you died, I bound with your soul before it found a suitable new life in your world to inhabit. Now you'll be transmigrated into the different Legacy Worlds together with me to complete missions.]

/Bound with my soul? New life? Transmigrated? Legacy worlds?/

"What mis-"

[Each time you successfully clear a world, you can learn more about anything you would want to know about!]

"Hey, how do you-"

[You're the first host to input attainment of knowledge as a goal so I guess the end of your transmigrations would be whenever you feel satisfied with the amount of knowledge you've gained. But if you're like us, that would unlikely happen. I wonder if this means that you'll be in this with us for the long haul?]

"I don't- No, wai-"

[Oh well, we'll figure things out along the way. Let's head on to our first world then!

"Wha-?!" Something roughly yanked her from where she floated by her chest. She felt mushed and squeezed through a tiny hole before she passed out from the excruciating pain.