Legacy World 4.13

Vlad returned to find Vanora already in bed. He could tell that she was still awake. He sat on the edge of the bed on the other side and dried his hair. "You know... Seeing you train and practice so diligently today is really refreshing." He spoke in a soft voice, trying to strike up a conversation.

Although she did not reply, he continued unfazed. "Do you plan to do the same tomorrow?"

He heard a soft sigh then the rustle of her hair against the pillow.

"Exactly the same?"

Vanora nodded again.

His eyes rounded in surprise and he turned to look at her back. "Have you always followed such a strict routine?"

Vanora recalled the original soul's past and realised that they were about the same in this aspect. So, she nodded again.

"But you're a demon now. Your lifespan's much longer than a human's. You have many many years to grow stronger. Why do you still work so hard?"

Vanora understood where he was coming from. It was probably unheard of to see a demon like her. However, she could not explain her situation to Vlad, so she simply shrugged.

Vlad took it as a sign that she was still not willing to open up to him, so he ceased his questioning. At the same time, Vanora finally had enough of feeling so restless. She had tried to sleep early so that she could get up earlier, but she just could not fall asleep. Her mind involuntarily filled with ways she could have spent the day more productively and the consequences of her idling. /What if what I could have accomplished today would be crucial in saving myself in the future?/

Deciding that she just had to accomplish something, no matter how little, she got off the bed and faced Vlad.

"Can you bring me to the place I practiced in the morning?"

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't practice enough today. I need to do more."

"But you're already all cleaned up and ready for bed."

"I know, but I can't sleep anyway." She said with a small frown.

Vlad finally sighed. "You will do much more, but tomorrow."

She pursed her lips as she remained unconvinced. /What if tomorrow will be the same as today?/

"I promise to find more hell beings of the right difficulty tomorrow, but ONLY if I'm convinced that you're well-rested. Okay?" He sounded gentle yet firm, like a parent coaxing a small child.

Vanora's expression fell flat. /He IS treating me like a child./

[Well... In terms of how long you've been a demon as compared to him, you're indeed a baby demon. Maybe he really sees you as one?]

/Somehow I don't think that's it./

"Sleep. Go." He gently ushered her to the bed.

The way he said it gave her a strong sense of deja vu. /Doesn't he sound like.../

[LongFei! LongFei said these exact words in the previous world!]

/What a coincidence.../

While Vanora was distracted, Vlad managed to tuck her back into bed. Before she knew it, he was already pulling the blanket up to her shoulders. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her cheek with the back of his four fingers. His gesture brought her full attention back to the present. "Relax and rest well." He said with a soft smile on his face.

Her eyes grew slightly wider and she felt a little squeeze in her heart. She hastily muttered, "You too." Then, she turned her back on him and closed her eyes. However, Vlad did not leave. He continued to stay by her side and stroke her head. Vanora's hand that was hidden under the blanket gripped onto the bed sheet so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

/Why? Why must he have such similar mannerisms to LongFei?/

Vlad's actions caused her to be filled with nostalgia. She suddenly realised how much she had grown accustomed to LongFei's presence without her knowing it. She appreciated LongFei's quiet obedience and assistance. This in turn brought back memories of being with her family, the people who always showered her with unconditional love and affection. No matter how undeserving or unworthy she was, they were there. Before she felt much more, Vanora mentally stomped her feelings back down until she was numb again. /I can't go back. I shouldn't go back./

Her self-talk got BaoBao confused as he only shared her thoughts, not her emotions. So, he remained blissfully unaware of Vanora's momentary emotional turmoil.

[But you CAN go back. Why shouldn't you? So, you do wish to return to the previous world, don't you?]

/What? No, how did you get that idea?/

[Wasn't that what you said? If all that's holding you back is-]

/Forget that./


/Forget everything I said. It's nothing. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight./

BaoBao stopped talking as Vanora wished. He knew by now, to not push Vanora when it came to her feelings. He could only take one step at a time. As hard as Vanora tried, she only fell asleep after a long, long while.

While Vanora slept peacefully, a tall and slim woman with sky blue hair that reached her waist appeared in the dungeon that Vanora had fought in for the day.

The flying creatures in the first large space dove downwards in perfect synchronization, then prostrated themselves before her. The woman's cold sapphire eyes scanned each and every creature. They trembled under her gaze, as if her gaze could literally touch them. "You've kept your end of the deal. You get to live." The woman smiled beautifully but her eyes looked eerily empty. She waved her hand once and the hell beings faded from sight. Then, she moved on to the other arenas with her black cape fluttering dramatically behind her.

She left the worms for the last. When she finally appeared in the worms' cave, it was the only one that did not greet her like the others. Her expression turned even uglier. "Knowing that you've done wrong, you do not dare to appear before me?" Her cold voice was low and carried deadly intent.

After a short silence, the ground shook like there was an earthquake. An inhuman sharp squeal of pain rang out. Eventually, a gigantic worm that was several times larger than the woman surfaced from the ground.

"I told you. Listen to me or die. There's no escaping this place unless I allow you to."

"I knew it. You- You aren't Raven. You're-"

"How arrogant, letting your little ones do whatever they want." The woman continued speaking as if she did not get interrupted by the giant hairy worm. "Looks like I have to put you in your place."

"I apologise! I apologise!"

However, the woman smiled mockingly in response. One moment, she was in the tunnel. The next, she was on the writhing worm's body, with her nails digging into its fatty flesh. Before the worm could get another apology out, she bit down. The worm screeched so loudly that the cave tremored and rocks tumbled down. However, the woman did not let go. It looked strange to anyone not involved in the fight. There was no visible damage being done to the worm and it looked no different. However, its struggle gradually became weaker and weaker. The woman only released her bite once the worm laid still on the ground. She smirked and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Delicious. You must have been well-fed before I brought you here." She coldly glanced around. The rocks were already reduced to the same muddy substance that made up the ground. "Let's see how you can communicate with your little ones now that you're dead."

She kicked it with just enough force to trigger the tiny worms hiding in the ground. Countless tiny worms shot up and many entered their mother's dead body. In a short amount of time, there was nothing left of the giant worm. The woman did not stay behind to watch it. There was no need to. She intended to abandon the worms there and let them starve to death.

When Vanora opened her eyes again, BaoBao proactively informed her that she has slept for only six hours this time. It was a very early start to her day. She looked outside the windows that were near the ceiling. The sky was still as pitch black as it had ever been. /I wonder when I'll get used to this./

She got up only to find her shirt being held on to tightly again. /This too./

She lightly tapped his hand. Vlad opened his eyes groggily after a few taps. "You're already awake?" His voice was extremely husky. Vanora admitted that it sounded very seductive and alluring.

"Yes. Is this too early for you?"

Vlad remained lying in bed while he released the curse he put on his hand. "I'm fine. But are you sure you're well rested?"

/Is it just me or does he look more tired than yesterday?/

[Maybe it's because he got far less sleep than he had yesterday. After you slept, he disappeared for about half an hour, cleaned himself up again, THEN slept.]

/He left for that long?/

Vanora silently stared at Vlad, while she debated with herself whether she should sleep longer so that he could too. In the meantime, Vlad lounged in bed and happily stared back at her with half-lidded eyes.

/I have no time. The strongest demon lord should be fine with a little sleep deprivation./ Having concluded her mental debate, she replied Vlad. "I've rested enough." She got up and made her way to the bathroom. "If you're tired, you can sleep while I practice."

"That's impossible."

She stopped at the bedroom door. "Why not? You need a comfy bed to sleep?"

"No. Something may happen to you while I'm asleep." He said it so seriously that she did not bother to argue with him.

"Seriously. What's with your paranoia?" She left him alone with that comment. Not that he could give her an answer even if she waited for one. Vlad did not understand where his fears stemmed from either. He just knew that such thoughts uncontrollably flooded his mind and kept him on his toes. If he ignored them and forcibly went to sleep, he may end up dreaming of frightening images yet again.

The day went the same as yesterday.

The black dress she received today was still gothic but it was no longer puffy and it was sleeveless. It hugged her figure till her waist before falling loosely around her and ending at her thighs. This was coupled with black tights. It was much better to fight in. Vlad was dressed in yet another suit but today's was a dark grey colour with a maroon coloured shirt.

The hell beings she faced today were as promised. They seemed to be of better standard than the ones yesterday, but only in how predictable their attacks and movements were. Although it allowed her to try and activate her enhanced instinct to deal with them, she still felt a little unsatisfied and odd. She was miraculously unhurt from each encounter and they were defeated according to how thick or tough their hide were. Each time things started to get difficult and she would finally feel the right pressure she needed to experience to force a growth in her strength or skill, she would make it out one way or another without a hitch, with or without the use of her enhanced instinct.

She was a little worried if the training was still too slack for her to grow. She definitely felt like she was not pushed as much as she had been in the three previous worlds. At the most, she would be tired or worn out, but never drained. She decided to wait it out and observe before making any conclusions.