Legacy World 6.17

Hansuke and Tatsuya was at the front of the group. Followed by Naoko and Tadashi, then Aimi and Isamu. The black bugs were behind them and quickly gaining on them. No one knew how they were going to escape the bugs when speed was one of their strengths.

Naoko found the entire setting weird and did not know, for once, how things would progress. Hansuke, with the death fate, was the furthest from the bugs that were the ones responsible for his death in the book. /Will something appear in front of us?/

Eventually, the black bugs got too close to Aimi's and Isamu's mechas, so Naoko descended down to the sand with the instruction to mimic the worm creature. Coincidentally, Aimi went down to the ground at the same time she did, sharing the same idea.

The others followed instructions and did the same a beat after the two girls.