Legacy World 10.8 You Belong to The Wicked Realm

FanHai raised an eyebrow. “Where?”

“There.” RenRan repeated.

“There?” He confirmed again.

“Yes, is there a problem?”

“No, not exactly. It’s not like we must follow a path.”

RenRan tilted her head while he took the lead. What did he mean?

“Maybe this was how you got so far without me.” He said barely loud enough for her to hear.

They glided above a sea of glitter that made her recall the way the cloaks shimmered earlier. It was like they were wearing a sea of stars on themselves. ‘I wonder if it feels the same.’ She used her free hand to stroke her robe.

FanHai caught her gesture and paused their progress. Before RenRan could question him about it, he wrapped something around her shoulders. It was the outer robes that she had abandoned with him. “I’ll admit, that was smart of you. For that, you do deserve some fun for yourself.”

“... Don’t expect a thank you from me.” She said coldly as she wore her outer robes properly.

He laughed. “I wasn’t expecting it.”