
Erin's POV:

I wasn't there. I wasn't near. I couldn't help.

I was sitting on the corner my bed, against the headboard, reading one of my all time favourite books as my phone vibrated quite violently in the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out of its tight grip to notice my older brother, Evan's name flash across the screen.

It was surprising to see him calling, because I just saw him an hour ago when he left to go see Avery, my best friend and his girlfriend.

It could just be a misdialed call.

But it wasn't, because my phone kept vibrating, longer than usual, meaning he was trying to call me.

Hesitantly, I answered the call, pressed my phone close to my ear and said a quiet "hello."

"Hello? Hey Erin? Are you there?" He says frantically.

"Um, yeah I'm right here. Right where I was like an hour ago." I say, utterly confused.

"Where are you right now?" He asks, panting heavily.

"Home." I say shortly, in a duh-tone.

"Well, I'm at the hospital right now." what?

"Wait, why?" I say dropping my book. I mentally groan, remembering I forgot my page number.

"Um, there's a lot to explain. I'll come pick you up, get ready." He says in a rushed tone.

"Wait I-" and before I could finish the line went dead. Beeeep.

Confused, I got up and combed my hair quickly with my fingers and swiped on a bit of lip gloss before quickly hopping down the stairs.

Me being me, I tripped down the last few and fell flat on my face. Like it was no problem at all, I got up, fixed myself up and walked towards the front door to put my shoes on.

Since it was warm out, I decided to sit out on the porch for my brother. I grabbed the keys by the front as both my parents were at work, my brother was supposedly driving back from the hospital and my twin sister Evelyn is probably somewhere out like she always is every evening.

Everyone's got a life. Except me of course.

After sitting on the crusty porch steps for approximately 10 minutes, my brother's 2007 space grey truck pulls up into the driveway. The engine revs as it slows to a stop.

He lowers the passenger side window a few inches down and says a quick "get in," from what I could make out. Without wasting time, I quickly grab my phone and scramble into the passenger side of the truck.

"Where's Evelyn?" I ask, but he doesn't respond.

Assuming, she was already at the hospital, I let the thought slide and fasten my seatbelt hardly a second before the truck was reversed and speeding down the narrow street.

My brother drove down the highway, and the long silence made the ride seem like it lasted an eternity. Neither of us said a word.

I thought he had "a lot to say." I roll my eyes to myself.

Seemed like not.

So I decided to ease the thick tension building up in the truck.

"What happened?" I ask, and it embarrassingly came out as a squeak. He shot me a quick glance and from what I could make out, his face looked like I just said the stupidest thing possible.

What the fuck happened to my voice?

Evan just responded with, "We are almost there, you will see." Wow, dry much?

What will I see? Why can't he just be a normal person and tell me? Even when we're going to the hospital?

I'm sure hospitals are for emergencies, right?

I have zero first aid experience to know that.

As we near the hospital building, after what seems like hours, the truck revs into the parking lot. As Evan searches for a parking space, my eyes wander through the windows of the building, as if I'd be able to spot someone I knew in there. Pathetic, I know.

Cutting my thoughts short, the vehicle comes to a stop and Evan pulls the keys out of the ignition, opening the door and getting out. He begins walking towards the main entrance, without even looking to see if I'm following.

Without a word, I mirror his actions. He says a few words to the lady at the front desk, something about the room number.

We get in the elevator and ride up to the sixth floor. Damn, the tension in here is so thick it could've been cut with a knife. Cliche.

We walk out, as the elevator pings open, and I follow him down the hall and into a little hallway where there are a few rooms. His slides make an awful clacking sound as he subconsciously smacks his feet as he walks.

Finally, we reach the door that has a plaque glued to the wall beside it, reading 612. He motions for me to come forward, as he opens the door wider for me, giving me a slight nudge to walk before him.

Looking back at him and the door, I slowly take a few steps inside as he follows closely behind. Taking a small peek at the first hospital bed, my chest clenches and my heart drops into my stomach.

The sight was anything but what I had expected.

From the extreme shock, I feel myself losing my sight and hearing and everything. I don't remember anything after it all turning black and two warm hands catching me by the hip before I could feel my body hit the cold, tiled ground.